Why are Irish taxpayers funding an NGO which has been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood?

One of the advocacy NGOs that is regularly referred to as some kind of authority on racism and the far right and what-not is the Irish Network Against Racism.  The group publishes an annual report based on anecdotal online evidence of racism which is also referred to as a source on matters such as “hate crime.”


One of the authors of their report on racism for 2022 is Dr. Lucy Michael, a former employee of the British Home Office. The foreword by Director Shane O’Curry strikes the usual note with wild claims that the Irish state is ignoring “societal racism” and the threat of the far right “at our peril”. 

(Given that we are dealing with one of the gatekeepers of factual accuracy and seeing that Michael herself is one of the self-appointed “disinformation” Tsarinas, I feel obliged to make a pedantic point. O’Curry claims in the report that East Wall was the birthplace of playwright Seán Ó Casey.  It wasn’t.  O’Casey was born on Dorset Street. I trust that this misleading error will be corrected. Fact Check: No charge, comrades.)

The meat of the report claims that there were 600 reports of racism in the state in 2022. Of the 136 reports of “hate speech,” 96 took place online.  The INAR is an enthusiastic supporter of the Hate Speech Bill and even went to the bother of collecting signatures in its favour. 

They also explain why their figures are so radically out of sync with the official Garda statistics. The official Garda report shows that of 389 incidents of possible “hate crime,” not all of which are racially connected, just 11 had been processed as actual crimes by the end of September 2022.  

The INAR explain this – although they do not compare their figure to the Garda one – on the basis that the iReport operated by themselves records subjective complaints about anything from perceived discrimination to “far right activity” and graffiti.  They also record as separate incidents more than one report from the same person.

INAR’s main references to the Gardaí in the report are of a complaining nature; complaining that people do not report incidents to the force; that the Gardaí are irresponsive or even hostile to those who do; and, that the Gardaí themselves are responsible for some of the incidents of discrimination collated by the INAR.  

I think most people would prefer that the Gardaí be left to deal with crimes, including racially motivated actual crimes, than that we be expected to maintain a sort of shadow leftie Special Branch that appears to serve no worthwhile purpose that would justify the large amounts of money it has received from the taxpayer. 

Apart from all of that, I am not sure that monitoring other people’s social media and reporting them to the Gardaí is what taxpayer funding is meant to be spent on.  Few people on the state payroll, which is the de facto status of most employees of advocacy NGOs, get paid to pursue their hobbies or eccentricities on the Man’s tab.

INAR is supported by Pobal who handed over €88,730 in taxpayers’ funding in 2022, with a total income recorded for the organisation of €270,457 in that year. 

The ENAR received €225,780 from Pobal in 2017/2018, which was a big jump from the just over €23,000 which they trousered in 2014. 

The accounts from European Network Against Racism show they are largely dependent on the European Commission and a smorgasbord of wealthy foundations; the Soros Open Society, Sigrid Rausing, and Joseph Rowntree.  

In common with almost every single Irish NGO, donations and membership fees account for a paltry part of ENAR income, just 1.56% in 2022. It ought also be borne in mind that most of their “members” are other taxpayer funded NGOs.  Which of course simply means that public funds are being recycled through the same incestuous network.


However, not only is it apparent that the ENAR and its Irish section are leftist activist groups, but they have attracted criticism for other political connections.

In 2015, Belgian MEP Frederique Ries, who is a member of the ALDE parliamentary grouping that includes Fianna Fáil, questioned whether the EU ought to be funding ENAR on the basis that its Belgian section had been reported to be linked to the extremist Islamist Muslim Brotherhood. 

It turned out that one of the directors of ENAR, Michael Privot, had indeed for many years been a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He claims to have left MB only in 2012.  Far from this causing the ENAR to be defunded by the Commission or any outrage on the part of the INAR, they invited him to Dublin in 2016 to speak on “Understanding and Responding to Islamophobia in Ireland”. 



Privot’s association with the Muslim Brotherhood, which shares the same origins as Hamas and is also largely funded by the despotic Qatar state, was again raised at the Parliament in 2021 when his ongoing senior involvement with ENAR was referenced with regard to Privot’s alleged facilitation of the affiliation of MB linked organisations to the ENAR. 

For those who may be unaware, Muslim Brotherhood espouses the extremist Salafist conception of Islam which supports the imposition of Sharia law in all countries where there is a substantial Muslim population. Sharia law negates almost every conception of what even naive lefties understand as European legal traditions. 

Ironically, the Muslim Brotherhood is notable in France for its opposition to the assimilationist multiculturalism favoured by the Pollyanna Left.  Useful idiots, as the same people were to the Communists. 

Would that we had centre right politicians like Frederique Ries in our government who were similarly diligent about who is given state funding to pursue an ideological agenda hostile to anything remotely resembling that of what was once European Christian, or indeed Social, Democracy.

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David Walsh
4 months ago

INAR was interviewed on RTE over the weekend. These groups are never pressed to explain the inflated figures they give such as the “600 reports of racism” in 2022. It is always the soft focus touch, while a local councillor who protests about the imposition of migrants on their community gets a much harder interview.

4 months ago

The straightforward answer to the question in the headline is that Irish people have been electing people into government for decades who are totally out of their depth.

All other reasons, regardless of how valid, are peripheral. The electorate has to take some responsibility for this.

Frankie Bananas
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

The electorate can only elect representatives based on their manifestoes and/or election promises.
No politician promoised lax, open-borders immigration policy and preferential treatment for immigrants over Irish citizens; yet that is what we have.
The problem is one of corruption, not competence. The policies being implemented by our elected representatives are dictated abroad, by unelected globalist organisations (WEF/UN). Our politicians know exactly what they’re doing: their betrayal of their nation and mandate is no accident.

Last edited 4 months ago by Frankie Bananas
4 months ago

I don’t agree with anything you just said.
The people in government now are nowhere near the calibre of politicians there was in previous generations.

That you cannot see the incompetence problem is quite astounding.

Also the electorate can make better judgements as to whether Certain people are suitable for high office or not. They need not base that opinion merely on election manifestos. It can be based on their previous performance in Dail Eireann as well as watching what they say through the media and making a judgement as to whether what they say stacks up.

There are large numbers of people in Ireland who have woken up to the fact that Fine Gael is made up of a bunch of people that have no sense of patriotism whatsoever.
This has been the case with Fine Gael for decades and yet large numbers of Irish people have only just figured it out this last two years.

The electorate is at fault there because they are oblivious to the fact there are large numbers of people in their national government that owe zero allegiance to the nation.

Fine Gael were given an enormous mandate after the 2008 financial crash for no other reason than they had been the opposition and they were not Fianna Fail. I knew then this was a party made up of people with no sense of patriotism and a hostility to the very concept of governing in the ‘national interest’ and bad things would come about as a consequence.
Every other Irish person should have been aware of this also.

Rupert Pollock
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

These are are NGOs, we are talking about. They are not elected by anyone.
The green party has been very adapt as using ang growing These cabal, who will carry on their undemocratic policies long after they are kicked out of government.
Perpetual left wing surveillance of social media and the general public.
Everything is heading for a autocratic state supported by their load mouthed activists on the NGOs and MSM.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rupert Pollock

The NGO’s are funded by tax payers at the behest of the politicians elected by the people and therefore the people must take at least some responsibility for that situation.

As far as I’m concerned Ireland from the early 90’s onward became a rich country after generations of being relatively poor. I think this led to a complacency amongst significant sections of the Irish population who became less politically engaged than their parents and grandparents would have been.
There has been a noticeable drop in competence over the last 20 years with the government politicians and I’m actually quite surprised that opinion has had such a negative response on gript.

Love them or loathe them Charles Haughey and Garret Fitzgerald were much more intelligent and politically astute than Varadkar and Martin.

Frankie Bananas
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

What a surprise.

“… Fine Gael is made up of a bunch of people that have no sense of patriotism whatsoever…”
Incompetence is not the issue. Corruption (public representatives to prioritise foreign interests and agendas ahead of the interests of those they are paid to represent is indeed corruption) is the problem.
The politicians in government campaigned and canvassed for election on policies that they subsequently abandoned once they gained power. They are not incompetent; they are not out of their depth. They are corrupt and traitorous.
This is not the fault of the electorate who, right or wrong, elected these politicians in good faith based on the promises outlined in their manifestos.

Frankie Bananas
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

Out of interest, who do you believe does have a patriotic outlook and will put the interests of the Irish public first?
Sinn Féin?

Jon S
4 months ago

Dr Panty Bliss ? “ It “ seems “ it “ knows everything.

4 months ago

Phew! I don’t have a great deal of confidence in any of them but if you insist on an answer on the question of patriotism I’d rank it as : most patriotic SF followed by Fianna fail and Fine Gael in last place.

The smaller parties I don’t know enough about to make a judgement.

Frankie Bananas
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

Sinn Féin has long since dropped any pretense of nationalism or patriotism. Like FFG, they have been captured by the influence of unelected globalist organisations; they now represent globalist interests and will prioritise these ahead of the interests of the Irish electorate.
Their wholesale adoption of globalist policy (reckless open borders immigration, support of indoctrination of children with trans ideology and, oif course, their most recent “internationalist republicanism”) exposes exactly what they are about.
Immigration, housing, healthcare, education, policing… Sinn Féin will not solve a single problem facing Irerland today.

Frankie Bananas
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

And, as regards FF… Micheal Martin doing his utmost to sell Ireland’s neutrality doesn’t scream patriotism.
Same goes for all government parties quietly signing away sovereign control of our country’s future public health response policy to the unelected WHO.
These traitors deserve the noose.

Dr David Barnwell
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

How can a party whose policy is the extinction of Irish nationality and its replacement by Mass Settlement from throughout the world be considered patriotic?
But that is precisely the policy enunciated by SF Spokesman on Immigration, Declan Kearney.
Don’t take my word. Look him up.

Anne Donnellan
4 months ago
Reply to  Ar87

I disagree.

Declan Hayes
4 months ago

The Maktoum Foundation, which funded the Clonskeagh Mosque, could answer a lot of Muslim Brotherhood related questions, as should Trinity College given its institutional involvement with them, or its ex head honcho Mary Robinson who had some very dodgy connections with them over the kidnapping of Latifa al Maktoum. If money and brown envelopes talk, the Clonskeagh Mosque roars and the huge Saudi “Cultural” Centre in Upper Sheriff St is not all that quiet either

James Mcguinness
4 months ago

Because the cabal are using Muslims against white Christians. Divide and conquer is the simple answer. Its the same reason why blm fund the trans movement. Funding divide and conquer with our money.

4 months ago

The answer is because we voted duplicitous people into power.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stephen Costello
Michael Clarke
4 months ago

It is time that the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, other Departments and the Committee of Public Accounts investigated the huge sums of money paid out by the State to advocacy NGOs every year.

Fergus Nolan
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael Clarke

There was an entity called Benefacts which analysed the monies received and expended by the NGO sector. This Govt shut it down a couple of years ago making it harder to assess the financial side of the advocacy NGO sector.

Antony Stack
4 months ago

I attribute rioting and burning to the system which funds one side of the immigration debate and suppresses to other by labels of ‘hate speech’ and ‘far right’
Are our politicians selling the country from under our feet in order to get plum jobs in international organisations such as EU, UN,

The immigration industry – top tier.
Look up their accounts at the Charities regulator site

  1. Irish Refugee Council

2.    Nasc – the Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre
3.    Doras
4.    Migrant Rights Centre of Ireland
5.    Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI)
6.    Business in the Community Ireland
7.    Irish Council for Civil Liberties
8.    Coalition Against Hate Crime
9. Irish Network Against Racism (INAR)
10. Jesuit Refugee Service
11. Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition

Antony Stack
4 months ago

I searched the Charities Regulator website at
INAR does not appear under any of the names in its initials.
If this were Russia they would be considered ‘Foreign Agents’
I’m not advocating for Russia, but they have a point about foreign manipulation / interference .

4 months ago

Excellent article again Matt – enjoyed your pedantic point scoring

4 months ago

Can someone please tell me what the red/green point scoring indicates and who determines it. Just curious

Karl Hayden
1 month ago

‪People might like to have the real story behind this claim. 👆‬

‪From Get the Trolls Out‬
‪‘Are media reports that the EU is financing Islamist groups really true?’‬

Last edited 1 month ago by Karl Hayden

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