Tender process open for €6 million IPAS Vulnerability Assessment Programme contract

Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman has confirmed to Independent TD Carol Nolan that his Department has published a Request for Tenders relating to the provision of the IPAS Vulnerability Assessment Programme that was formally suspended in March 2024. It had been in operation sinceDecember 2020.

The total value of the 48 month contract for the winning provider amounts to €6 million.

A summary of the contract reveals the services provided under the contract will comprise: Completion of an assessment of vulnerability for all applicants for international protection in Ireland within one week of application date. Assessment service to commence operation in Q3 2024. Completion of an assessment of vulnerability for all persons on a waiting list of 800 persons by end Q4 2024.

As Gript has previously reported, the Vulnerability Assessment Programme was put in place to assist an applicant who required additional services in the event that they were previously subjected to torture, rape, or other form of serious psychological, physical or sexual violence (female genital mutilation) or whether the applicant was a person with a serious mental health problem, such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

However, IPAS said the ongoing emergency situation with respect to accommodation availability for single male applicants contributed to the suspension, as this placed further pressure on IPAS resources, including its capacity to conduct vulnerability assessments.

In his reply to Deputy Nolan, minister O’Gorman acknowledged the significant increase in numbers of arrivals and constraints on available accommodation across the International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS).

As a result, he says, a decision was made to suspend the programme and to seek to procure an external contractor to manage it.

The minister further noted that following the suspension, resources were redirected to support operations across the Resident Welfare Team and IPAS overall, including to conduct triage of newly arrived single male applicants and identify those with very high needs requiring priority for accommodation when available.

The Request for Tender was published on eTenders.gov.ie with a closing date of 23 May 2024.

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Mary Reynolds
12 days ago

Ireland has an open door immigration policy. Close the border. Don’t let them in. Scammers conning the gullible Irish. Some with two identities, one for working, the other for the dole. The northern gangsters are in on the racketeering. A Palestinian absconding from England to avoid Rwanda, was charged €4,300 to take him from Belfast to Dublin (Telegraph). It was by stealth as he said he couldn’t see out of the car.
Only solution is to close the land border. Either that or join the UK in the Rwanda Act, but our govt have rejected that, apparently. This is the worst govt and worst main opposition party, SF, in the history of the state. Now a hate law that will give protected status to these illegals. Take Somalia. All countries advise against going there, not safe due to violent gangs. If you’re there, the advice is to get out. McEntee allows these same people that must be avoided in their own country, freely across our open borders, no questions asked. Reprehensible.

12 days ago
Reply to  Mary Reynolds

Firstly, male or female how can you prove rape, secondly how can you prove threat of genital mutilation? If you have suffered genital mutilation (a barbaric act I might add) then the deed is done and the threat has passed.
If you suffer from a mental disorder is Ireland the right place to be as we have a mental health service that is on par with most 3rd world countries anyway.
The fact is that we are importing criminals and rapists from these countries, ( a statement that the government and opposition will deny but cannot disprove because of their own incompetent when dealing with our immigration screening process)
When the b****rd that raped my daughter,(NOT A FOREIGN NATIONAL), received a sentence of 3 years, 2 suspended, and is released after 9 months, What kind of message does this send to other deviant’s.
Additionally if the guy that did rape her was a foreign national he would have received an even lesser sentence, as clemency would have been granted because he would have been a foreigner in an Irish jail.
We need to vote these serpents out of government now, let’s take the For Sale sign down off our country.

Mary Reynolds
11 days ago
Reply to  M.blood

What happened your daughter was dreadful. I am very sorry. He only served 9 months and out again. What an insult to the victim and her family. Do you remember the case of Micheál Ó Leidhin? Kevin Myers has two online articles about it. He served far longer for nothing at all. In my opinion and the opinion of many, he was an innocent man. A silence from mainstream media. A 9 month sentence for a vile rapist is reprehensible. It is denying his evil act.

12 days ago

Lovely, more jobs for social studies graduates!! Meanwhile try and get a plumber or carpenter to do some real work.

Liam P.
12 days ago

Sounds like yet another gravy train for an NGO. We have become the gravy boat of Europe. There are Irish people currently on long waiting lists for similar services being told there is nobody qualified to provide them. Qui bono minister ? Does he have skin in this game ?

F. Dooley
11 days ago

I really think this crowd of traitors are trying to get a reaction from someone so they can bring in even more draconian laws. To provide counselling to foreign criminals while their own children and young adults wait for years for it. This government has gone completely rogue, never forget what they’ve done to Ireland and most certainly never forgive.

Auld stock
11 days ago

sinn Féin will get my nó.1 preference vote , i was asked noting about my priority needs when I was at housing interview,got told at end of meeting chances of getting a home llike Ireland winning world cup at soccer. ff/fg have lost the plot to vulture funds ,rents , house loans , amount of people struggling but turning the bright síde out for family and friends is schocking

Last edited 11 days ago by Auld stock

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