Credit: Gript

Irish Mammies defeat the establishment in stunning NO victory

Several years ago, when social media was perhaps a more jovial place, a meme caught fire with Irish users because it perfectly encapsulated the power of Irish mammies in setting the world to right and not putting up with any nonsense.

There is no force, as everyone knows, more powerful than Irish women when they’re primed for battle, and yesterday – to the absolute dismay of the government, most of the so-called opposition, and the entire array of establishment NGOs and media – they unleashed their ultimate weapon of Ma’s Destruction: the landslide No vote.

It was an absolute walloping for the government: a 74% NO to plans to remove the only mention of mother from the Irish Constitution, and a massive rebuff to the presumption that women find it ‘sexist’ and ‘offensive’ when our laws acknowledge that our role in having and rearing our children is the most important job on earth.

In fact, the so-called “Care Amendment” was beaten by the highest ever NO vote of the 38 Referendums which have been proposed to Bunreacht na hÉireann. So much for the National Women’s Council, who engaged in the worst and most persistent kind of misinformation during the campaign, representing Irish women.

No photo description available.

You can almost image the wooden spoon descending: get your hands off our constitutional rights. and our right to mother our children. and our right to be respected and protected in doing so. What the hell made you think you know better than mothers when it comes to what mothers actually want?

If the bewildered members of the Cabinet are still mystified as to why their proposals were rejected (and hiding behind the pretty contemptuous excuse that voters were just too confused and dumb to understand the complexities of Roderic O’Gorman’s amendments) then they could start by examining the results of the Amárach poll which found a huge majority of Irish women want to be at home with their children when they are small.

That research poll showed that a whopping 69% of Irish mothers would prefer to be at home with their children rather than go out to work if money was no issue – with 70% of mothers saying they do not feel valued by society for their work as mothers.

Of course we don’t feel valued. For decades, we Irish women, in common with women everywhere, have had to endure listening to the insulting, patronising presumption that having and raising children should be our lowest priority, and that being at home with small babies meant our brains and abilities were not only wasted but turned to sludge.

It led to a culture where mothers, who should be raised up and praised and idolised for their irreplaceable, essential, life-giving heroism, were instead often treated with open contempt and derided.

If you think I’m exaggerating, RTÉ once made a documentary which asked mothers at home if they felt “humiliated” by not earning a wage, while the presenter also railed in a Sunday Independent column that no mother had the right to be a “kept woman”, and sneered that their most urgent decision was “the choice between coffee now or after the hoovering”.

This ignorant attitude is perhaps more to be pitied than censured. It often comes from a failure to understand that motherhood is a sacred thing, a covenant that only women can enter into and fully experience, as exhilarating as it is exhausting, as potent as it is powerful.

Yet, the state long ago decided that women should be forced out of the home – going as far as to bring in a new tax law, tax individualisation, which penalised families where a parent was at home raising the children.

And the NGOs supposedly representing women which successive governments decided should be stuffed full of our tax euros obviously didn’t value mothers – the 2022 annual report from the National Women’s Council doesn’t mention the word ‘mother’ once.

As I wrote before the vote the discourse around mothers at home raising children and securing society’s future is generally disrespectful and ignorant and often downright toxic.

Well, yesterday, the women of Ireland gave their answer. The hands that rocked the cradle rocked the establishment with a mighty roar. There would be no removal of mothers from the Irish constitution, and no erasure of our right to raise our children at home from the nation’s foundational document.

It was the best Mothers Day present ever as Maria Steen said yesterday: and a recognition and an appreciation of the unique and often unseen and unsung work that women do in holding not just the family but the entire world together.

The voices of women – from the feisty campaigners in Women and Mothers United who were heard everywhere on local radio; to those in the Countess who took their message to the streets and the airwaves; the Natural Women’s Council’s grassroots efforts raising up a network of volunteers; the leadership of Senator Sharon Keogan, and many more – were heard by voters.

Women refused to be misrepresented any longer by the empty slogans of a political establishment who have failed mothers and families and sought to put the empty demands of corporatism above our needs and ambitions and desires.

Of course, there were also other very important factors which culminated in a NoNo vote, including immigration; the desire of people with disabilities and those needing care to have their needs met; and a strong instinct to uphold the importance of marriage.

But today, my sisters and I will bring my own splendid mother, who fought all her life for the work of women to be recognised in the fullest sense, and who is one of a generation of women who were kind and fierce and brave and talented and strong, out to celebrate Mothers’ Day.

And we’ll raise a glass to the Irish people who did us proud yesterday. Mná na hÉireann abú.

Credit: Women and Mothers United

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Dave Wall
1 month ago

Well done to the Mammy’s, the people denigrating Irish mothers are pure scum plain and simple, Hell will have a special place for them.

1 month ago

In Ireland we notice:
The strange referendums, to destroy the constitutional protection of women and care.
The mass migration which has been force upon us.
The Censorship at all levels… Propaganda, disinformation by TV, Radio, Newspapers and Internet. The Digital information act. The hate speech laws.
The change of the Irish to second class citizens in their own land.
The attack against ‘Whiteness and families by the ‘regime’.
The pushing of non-proven narratives to make us poorer, as if they are true…
International Vaccine and Virus disinformation being driven down our throats e.g. Virus ‘X’, including lockdowns and dummy fact-finders all driving one narrative. When apparent proof is exposed through new studies or exposures, then thát truth is closed down at high speed by the false fact-finders!.
The pushing of a WHO takeover of our own system… without a referendum!

Last edited 1 month ago by Sick_of_Lies!
James Hogan
1 month ago
Reply to  Sick_of_Lies!

This is all on foot of the Irish people through various referendums over the past thirty years, renouncing the notion that the Irish people know better how to lead their lives than the government know how to lead it for them.

Anne Donnellan
1 month ago
Reply to  Sick_of_Lies!

Crotty v an Taoiseach

1 month ago

Imagine the care of the family by the Irish Mammy being replaced by the State. Horrific. Thankfully the ‘liberals’ lost.

1 month ago

We should vote on gay marriage again.While i had no issue with it before , it seems since that referendum was voted in favour of gay marriage we have been bombarded with toxic bullying from the trans community and NGOs in regards to them trying to tell us a boy is a girl and a girl is a boy.Crazy talk about boys using girl toilets,men playing in womens sports and sex education at a much too fragile age.I think is time to inform the irish people that we need to put the genie back in the bottle.If only to see Leo Varadakers face.
Plant the seed and it will grow

Last edited 1 month ago by SHANE
Anne Donnellan
1 month ago
Reply to  SHANE

20 million could build a lot of toilets

James Hogan
1 month ago

It is perhaps too little too late. Most of the sovereignty of the Irish people has already been ceded to the state in the referendums conceded during the past thirty years. I regard this as a consolation goal in a six one Wipeout.

Anne Donnellan
1 month ago
Reply to  James Hogan

Never give up, never give in.

James Hogan
1 month ago
Reply to  Anne Donnellan

I agree but it is a long road back. The government can still dissolve the marriage of an Irish citizen against his will and stipulate the sale of his property which the constitution previously prevented. It can direct the intentional killing of his offspring and jail him if he so much as stands silently outside the facility which will destroy the life of his unborn son or daughter. What possessed the Irish people to give the state such destructive power?

1 month ago
Reply to  James Hogan

What possessed the Irish people to give the state such destructive power?

A slick, well-funded marketing campaign. Ultimately, the repeal of the eight amendment was an unwritten condition of Ireland’s EU membership. Our national broadcaster along with the rest of the MSM and successive Irish governments carefully lined up the dominoes over many years. The kind of people who desire power over others are the very people who are most unsuited to holding public office. Unscrupulous. Ruthless. Quite prepared to sell us out as a people.

But the Irish people were too willing to trade the nation’s sovereignty piece by piece for the fool’s gold of EEC/EU largesse. We are now net contributors, have an open door immigration policy and no eight amendment. Add in “our” extraordinarily destructive commitment to net zero and it is still not an exhaustive list of the damage our EU membership has done. It was a Faustian bargain.

Nothing will improve while the Irish electorate continue to support the political parties which have authored these problems. While Sinn Féin promise more of the same. We also need to leave the EU.

These referendum results are a positive sign that the Irish people are waking up.

Anne Donnellan
1 month ago
Reply to  James Hogan

The Berlin Wall came down. Ironic it was Merkel who contributed so much to tge current invasion. And ironic it is Kristalina Georgieva whose family were in Ceaucescu regine, trying to impose digital on us

James Gough
1 month ago
Reply to  James Hogan

Do not despair. the establishment has tried to isolate and confuse us. These two referenda were their undoing. So many people now can see right through them and know what they are up to. Their next move will be their anti free speech laws. So long as enough of us vocally resist they will loose. Confusion, stealth and propaganda are their weapons against us. The 70% no votes show that they are no longer working.

Frank F
1 month ago
Reply to  James Hogan

I disagree – any negotiation can renegotiated.
If & when this Country gets a government that listens to the people,all those referendums can be put again to the people.
Personally & save time,I’d favour a referendum to totally withdraw from the fourth reich eu empire thats clearly now trying to annihilate the people of this Country.

They’ve thing lined up for us next called “Island 40”,where they’re planning to “import” 40 million into the Country by 2040.
I don’t trust them, never had and never will.
Even during the time of “More Money, More Jobs” Campaigns to get their treaties passed.
This Country can just get on just fine without them – typical examples New Zealand, Iceland etc.

Anne Donnellan
1 month ago

Good weekend to be Irish. Correct Referendum result. Oscars triumph with Cillian Murphy and Elements Productions. Savour the moment, then back to work to stop WHO power grab
Close miss re rugby. The timer said 80.06…so 06 seconds to change rubpgby history, but the boys in green were valiant

Mark J. Savage
1 month ago
Reply to  Anne Donnellan

The entertainer/ performer Cillian Murphy in my honest opinion is just another ‘Oirish’ GLORIFIED RENTBOY.
What do they all have in common? (not just the irish ones).
Well, you don’t have to look too far after scratching the surface to see they all paid their dues to the Hollywood decadent, sleaze machine,
– by having agreed in their early careers at least – to engage in depravity to seal their Faustian pact – for then to have went on to emulate trannies and/ or gay perverts on-screen,
– so as to glorify such perverted lifestyles – the dire consequences of same – that uniformly pertain to having arisen in each case from deep seated and profound feelings of despair and self-abnegation.
In this sense Cillian Murphy’s Oscar statue – just like himself – might be described, if not literally then figuratively as being on the inside like a hollow void – bereft of any shred of moral fibre, integrity or genuine self-worth or alternatively he/ it may perhaps aptly be described as being full of shit just like all of the other Oscar winning ilk who are degenerates.
Further example of this phenomenon is demonstrable by the gay pervert album cover by U2, said entertainers/ performers of whom in this readers credible opinion – were bribed by sodomite Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook for to inflict said album with its gay pervert ‘cover art’ unasked for upon millions of consumers devices.
Zero respect for any of these losers and Satan-enablers whose greed ultimately eclipsed their integrity and self-worth.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mark J Savage
Mark J. Savage
1 month ago
Reply to  Mark J. Savage

This goes beyond even the credible realm of verisimilitude So sad but so true. Hollywood is a euphemism for a cesspit better known as Herpes City (HC). It always has been and will continue apace until on a God-given day it verily slides deep into the Pacific Ocean. Get out of there while you still can, repent while you still can!

James Mcguinness
1 month ago

Never fuck with the Irish mammy. We dont.

1 month ago

First and foremost the protection of you’re mam and dad and the children is strictly family business. Your are the only person who truly has an interest in your own flesh and blood. You are the one of a few who truly know the family needs.The government does not provide love or compassion, all it does is make you pay more taxes or give you more if you suck on their teat, all they want is power and money and only you the Irish can protect yourselves or give it all away willy nilly. Hundreds of years of sorrow, pain and untold hunger and suffering should not be thrown away without very deep thought about future consequences and doing your own research. Keep your chin in and your guard up.

love ireland
1 month ago

I’m so proud of Dublin Mid-West (clondalkin,saggart) . A whopping – 71.14% – of people voted NO in the family referendum and we had a decent turnout as well 47.63% turned up to vote.
And 78.33% of my constituency voted NO in the care referendum
so well done clondalkin,saggart

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