Police block the entrance to the 'NatCon Brussels 2' conference. Credit: X/Gladden Pappin

Brussels conservative conference faces police-enforced shutdown following leftwing outcry

A highly anticipated conservative conference in Brussels is currently surrounded by police who are allowing attendees to leave but preventing re-entry in what is a local authority-backed effort to shut down a gathering of leading conservative figures.

‘NatCon Brussels 2’ is being held this week in the Belgian capital, and features high-profile conservative guest speakers from across the continent such as Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman and French politician Éric Zemmour, among others.

Organisers National Conservatism struggled to find a suitable venue for the event, with two previous sites cancelling the booking under pressure from left-wing organisations and local mayors, acting through the police.

A third venue agreed to host the conference, which is underway currently, but two hours into the event police arrived to notify the organisers that they were to shut it down.

Mayor of Saint-Josse, Emir Kir, tweeted that he issued the order to ban the event to guarantee “public safety”.

It is understood that the police have blockaded the entrance of the Claridge event space and are allowing attendees to leave but are preventing entry or re-entry of those who have already left. Police also entered the conference while talks were underway but withdrew, all the while maintaining the barricade at the entrance.

Ahead of the event, left-wing Belgian groups penned an open letter decrying what they described as a “far-right” gathering.

“For us, as antifascists, anti-far-right collectives, feminists, young politicians and trade unionists, this conference cannot take place,” the letter reads.

“With entrance fees of up to 20,000 euros, this conference makes no secret of its desire to raise funds for future reactionary campaigns. But beyond that, its aim is to unite the forces of the European far right in a worrying context of European-wide upsurge. Among the people announced, all share a few basic commonalities: racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism, lgbtqia+phobias, conspiracism and climate scepticism.”

National Conservatism is receiving legal advice and have said they intend to challenge the order to shut down the conference.

“There is no public disturbance and no grounds to shut down a gathering of politicians, intellectuals, journalists, students, civic leaders, and concerned citizens,” the group posted on X.

“The police entered the venue on our invitation, saw the proceedings and the press corps, and quickly withdrew. Is it possible they witnessed how peaceful the event is?”

British politician Nigel Farage, who is also in attendance, thanked the Tunisian owner of the current venue “for his courage and allowing free speech to take place”.

“They’ve told this Tunisian owner, who believes in free speech, that if he carries on with this conference, they’ll make sure he will go out of business,” Mr Farage said.

The move to shut down the conference has drawn criticism on social media from across the political spectrum, with many considering the development to be detrimental to free speech.

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David Sheridan
1 month ago

The whole apparatus of the EU is profoundly undemocratic. Ireland must leave it now.

Sean Kennedy
1 month ago

As the old saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity. The Fools, The Fools.
Actions like this only strenghten the cause against the loony left. It shows them up for exactly what they are, Bullies.

A Call for Honesty
1 month ago
Reply to  Sean Kennedy

It is bad when a spoilt child is a bully but it is much worse when adults are bullies. Politicians and fringe groups that cannot get their way are the nastiest bullies.

James Gough
1 month ago
Reply to  Sean Kennedy

It shows that they are Fascist and that they have the power to shut who ever they want up and will persecute their enemies and even those who just believe in the rule of law and not of thugs with a police force at their disposal. We are now in very dangerous times for liberty. Take these people very seriously while you still can. Most Jews in Germany in 1939 believed that things would work out somehow. Look how well that plan want

1 month ago

Every time they do something like this they create more of the “far-right” they’re so worried about. That “far-right” that is made up of peaceful, law abiding citizens who want to democratically eject leftwing nutters from positions of power. Scary people.

Last edited 1 month ago by LotusEater
1 month ago
Reply to  LotusEater

Maybe that’s deliberate.

1 month ago
Reply to  P!

I often wonder if that is the case myself..

James Gough
1 month ago
Reply to  LotusEater

You don’t get it. They don’t fear the so called “far right” because they have all the power of the judiciary, the media and the police behind them. You can pontificate all you want about them showing themselves up. They don’t care and when the time comes they will shut you up for good. The people doing this are dangerous Facists.

Declan Cooney
1 month ago

If this left-wing thuggery by the State (mayor, political class, police, trade unions etc) does not truly worry citizens and force us to rethink our priorities, very little can awaken our hypnotised zombies surrounding us. Brussels Red Guards (lgbt goons, ecowarriors, covid-fascists) have been running amok for a few years and will run riot over our economies, culture and our very lives, if not stopped. They are cowards, like Mao’s simpletons, and WILL back away when We the Risen People demand they stop. We have little time left.

1 month ago

Herman Kelly was there with the Irish Freedom Party ♥️🇮🇪

Frank F
1 month ago
Reply to  Joe

Brilliant 🇮🇪🇮🇪

Paul Montoyo
1 month ago

Anti-Democracy in action.

1 month ago

Fascists? The protestors should look in the mirror.

Mary Reynolds
1 month ago

The Belgian government are very weak. Why close down a peaceful conservative conference, when they should be closing down the hard left, who are trouble makers and want all other views, other than their own, banned? The threats to having the owner closed down are alarming. But no arrests? Are they going to bomb him out? All the hard left want is a totalitarian state, with everyone in obedience to hard left rule. Glad the conservatives will be taking firm action against this mafia.

James Mcguinness
1 month ago

I am actually lost for words. I spent alot of time working in europe including belgium and I honestly never thought I would see anything like that happen Well done to this plumber in ballina, surprised I did not see any black n tans there. https://www.bitchute.com/video/x5PnHVA8R3Qk/

1 month ago

Thank you for posting that link. Ballina has been sold down the river, like the rest of the country. Dara Calleary is a proper traitor. The one thing I saw clearly on Friday night at this same location was – We have NO representation. The TDs and Local Authorities are not working for the people. Outside forces have swept in and I cant see that enough people are fully aware of the extent of it.

James Mcguinness
1 month ago
Reply to  Cal

You are welcome Cal, in fairness to that man, everything he said was 100pc and its with people like him we will take our country back. Its funny because we now live in two worlds and this is reflected by the msm v independent media like gript. The msm show a fluffy world of celebrity gloss and silly polls while gript is showing the real rot and anger underneath. I know they are under resourced so I look for people from all communities and post the links because we are one people and one nation and this war is against us. We all have our own opinions and views and we bicker but we are all united in the fact we love our country, people and communities because its what makes us who we are. Without these things, this is not ireland and we will not be eradicated by cowards like dara or any of the other puppets. We survived 800 years of tyranny in the past and if thet did not erase us, then they have fuck all hope of doing it. We will get rid of them, the truth has risen and even the dogs on the street know what this is, we dont need msm or them to affirm anything. We all know a genocide when we see one, it failed in the past and it sure as shit wont succeed this time. Underneath all the cowards are people with balls who simply wont allow it to happen because a true irishman would sooner die then live their planned existence for us. Hell no!

remembering Easter 1916
1 month ago

the EU has been great for Ireland but big business has brought it in the wrong direction ,, money corrupts as in example Michael nooan leaving in the vulture funds in 2013 finna gael , giving people like bezo trump and others the power to corrupt, vulture funds big landlords huge windmill farms big data centers need to be kicked out ,we need the EU but on our terms , we are heading for for second civil war again with ff//fg coming together was not what people voted for ,having orange man running the Irish police force and Martin west brit turn coat at wheel ,the locals bubble has bust with rural and big towns absolutely flooded over with Indians Africans muslins east European’s no houses left for locals roads transport school’s hospitals at third world standard

Uinseann Mac Stiofáin
1 month ago

Er… the EU has been great for Ireland BUT big business has brought it in the wrong direction??? It was never about anything except big business from Day 1 of the original EEC, and everything small could go to the wall. Or did you think the “free money” was because we’re all so lovable, with our ‘soft brogues’ and ‘smiling eyes’? The Irish saw the dollar signs go up way back when we voted to join up. I was too young to vote then, but I sure voted No to Maastricht and Lisbon. You reap what you sow – if you sell your country to the highest bidder, you can’t really be surprised when the new owners decide to change everything you liked about the Old Country. The same applies if they sell/lease out some or part of their acquisition to people you maintain you wouldn’t have dealt with in the first place. (By “you”, I don’t mean you personally- I mean “the Irish people who brought us into the EEC, and those who’ve benefited financially since, or just continued to support the project irrespective”).

1 month ago

MERA25 is a (traditional) left pan-Europe movement that want to replace the EU constitution in 2025. A Palestine conference in Berlin (on 12.04.2024) was banned by the German Government. The people were stopped on the day from taking part. They are running for the EU elections in various countries, but apparently not part of the WEF agenda. So EU countries are taking down left and right congresses. There is no more democracy in the EU!

Last edited 1 month ago by Sick_of_Lies!
1 month ago
Frank F
29 days ago
Reply to  peeps

Like or dislike this man,you have to take your hat off to him for highlighting what was/is the going ons in Brussels.
When he showed Maoist Barozza and that other little weasel Van Rompuoy what the eu really are – he got my attention back then.
Tbf,he did point out to this Country what lay ahead but this conveniently fell on deaf ears and the ms media here made him out to be some sort of an evil villain – as they do here.
And now,here we are – just as he (Nigel Farage) predicted.
There was no one political in the Country at the time picked up on what he said.
Now I know Britain are not much better but sin scéal eile & he did warn us as a Country.
Nothing would give me more pleasure in telling our so called commissioner to take her flag with her & I’m not talking about our Country’s tricolour.

Last edited 29 days ago by Frank F
29 days ago

I am sure the usual leftie fascists in Ireland were full supportive of this. I am thinking of one in particular.

29 days ago

Wow. Fascism is alive and well.

Would you support a decision by Ireland to copy the UK's "Rwanda Plan", under which asylum seekers are sent to the safe - but third world - African country instead of being allowed to remain here?

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