Credit: Scopio

Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine withdrawn from market

The AstraZeneca Covid vaccine has been removed from the worldwide market, months after its manufacturers admitted in court documents that the jab can cause a rare but dangerous side effect. The company withdrew its marketing authorisation, citing commercial reasons.

The application to withdraw the vaccine was made on March 5 and a notice from the European Medicines Agency was issues on May 7 (Tuesday). This means the vaccine can no longer be used in the European Union.

The Telegraph reported that it had been told that the company will withdraw marketing authorisations in other countries, including the UK, where it has regulatory approval. AstraZeneca never had approval for the vaccine to be used in the US.

In a statement, AstraZeneca said the decision to withdraw the vaccine was made because newer vaccines are now available targeting Covid-19 variants, which led to a decline in demand.

AstraZeneca changed the name of its Covid vaccine to Vaxzevria in 2021. The jab has come under intense scrutiny since AstraZeneca admitted in court documents lodged with the High Court in Britain in February that the vaccine could in very rare cases have a side effect, which causes blood clots and low blood platelet counts.

AstraZeneca acknowledged for the first time in the court documents that the vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS”.

TTS, which stands for Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome, causes blood clots and a low blood platelet count.

As reported on Gript last month, the vaccine manufacturer is being taken to court in a class action relating to claims that its vaccine caused death and serious injury in dozens of cases – with a reported 51 cases lodged in the UK High Court. British families and victims are seeking damages estimated to be worth up to £100 million.

The first case against the company was lodged by Jamie Scott, a British father of two, last November. Mr Scott suffered permanent brain injury as a result of the jab in April 2021 – with a second claim being lodged by the family of Alpa Tailor, a British woman who also died after taking the vaccine in March 2021.

Father-of-two Scott was left unable to work after he suffered multiple blood clots, causing severe brain injury, following vaccination. He became the first person to take legal action for damages against the pharmaceutical giant, with his case having the potential to set the scene for more claims and damages which could run into the thousands, if not millions.

IT specialist Mr Scott’s clinical team confirmed that the blood clots he suffered were caused by the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. His family, speaking to the British press at the time the case emerged, said they were told the vaccine had been safe, however what happened had been “life-changing.”

Lawyers are now arguing that the AstraZeneca jab resulted in a side effect with has had a devastating impact on a number of British families.

The legal document read: “It is admitted that the AZ vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause TTS. The causal mechanism is not known.

“Further, TTS can also occur in the absence of the AZ vaccine or any vaccine. Causation in any individual case will be a matter for expert evidence.”

The admission from the pharmaceutical company was made in a legal defence to Mr Scott’s High Court case; if the drug firm accepts that its vaccine, developed with Oxford University, was the cause of serious illness and death in specific legal cases, it could pave the way for payouts.

The UK government has pledged to underwrite AstraZeneca’s legal bills. While the government has indemnified the company against any legal action, it has so far refused to intervene.

Lawyers for those suing the company have argued that the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is “defective” and that its effect has been “vastly overstated,” claims which the vaccine manufacturer denies.

Sarah Moore, a partner at law firm Leigh Day, who is bringing the legal claims against AstraZeneca, told the Telegraph newspaper that the government and AstraZeneca were playing “strategic games,” rather than addressing the “devastating impact” of their vaccine.

“It has taken AstraZeneca a year to formally admit that their vaccine can cause the devastating blood clots, when this fact has been widely accepted by the clinical community since the end of 2021,” Ms Moore said.

“In that context, regrettably it seems that AZ, the government, and their lawyers are more keen to play strategic games and run up legal fees than to engage seriously with the devastating impact that their AZ vaccine had upon our clients’ lives.”

AstraZeneca said in a statement: “Our sympathy goes out to anyone who has lost loved ones or reported health problems. Patient safety is our highest priority, and regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards to ensure the safe use of all medicines, including vaccines.

“From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects.”

Ireland suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in March 2021 following reports of patients developing blood clots after inoculations. It joined a string of other European countries in halting the vaccine, following blood clot reports in Norway.

Health authorities in Austria were the first to sound the alarm on the potential dangers of the AstraZeneca vaccine that same month, while Italy followed closely, banning the use of vaccines from a specific batch of AstraZeneca doses following the death of a serviceman in Sicily, who had died of cardiac arrest one day after receiving his first dose of the vaccine.

Denmark however became the first European country to temporarily suspend the entire rollout of the AstraZeneca jab. As with all vaccines, those in Ireland can report suspected side effects to the Health Products Regulatory Agency (HPRA).

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11 days ago

Pfizer,Moderna, Astra Seneca,Moderna Covid 19 concoctions were never Vaccinations.
They did not prevent Infection or Transmission of the Covid 19 Virus,but damaged and weakend the bodies natural immune system.
The new experimental mRNA technology was a type of Gene Therapy which invaded the bodies DNA sanctum.and damaged it with multiple adverse consequences, even death to its recipients.
People willingly submitted to being Lab rats worldwide for an experimental concoction.
The Pharmaceutical Corporations obtained ‘no liability clauses’ for issuing the Injections;
The Injections were produced , within 6 months and rushed to market.
Normal Time scale for new Vaccination products is 10-15 years,to allow after effects and adverse reactions to be revealed.
They were issued under Emergency powers ,with no testing by Regulatory Health Authorities.
The Covid 19 Injections were rushed into production by the clamouring for a cure by a hysterical people and panicked Govt.
All induced by a massive Media propaganda campaign of Fear,Hysteria and coercion, for a virus that was no more dangerous than the seasonal Flu.
There was no Pandemic, PCR tests were rigged by increased cycling above 25% and the useless Masks were a means to spread the Fear,panic and Hysteria.
Lockdowns were a power control test and were successful on a propagndised,subjugated ,Fearful population
DNA is lifes building block ,going back millenium. Damaged DNA has adverse consequences on reproductiion of humans going far into the future.
Covid 19 was the greatest ever Hoax on Humanity and an IQ/gullibility test.
The Covid 19 Injection is the greatest crime on humanity ever, and was a biowarfare attack and a de-population program by an Evil beyond comprehension.

11 days ago
Reply to  Daniel BUCKLEY

That’s assuming mRNA even operates as advertised – which sounds more like bad science fiction.

Aline M
11 days ago

I feel so angry that I was coerced into taking this vaccine, I feel vulnerable and extremely stupid. Never, EVER, again.

Julia Fitzpatrick
11 days ago
Reply to  Aline M

I’m so sorry to hear that. Don’t feel stupid. We were told by doctors who were in college for years and then training for years in their specialty that they were safe. Naturally people who never studied medicine trusted the doctors. I was just lucky that I had already had reason to distrust the doctors.

11 days ago

Maybe this will open your eyes at last to the full spectrum deceipt and lie agenda at every level of Govt,the Irish administrative state and the medical industry……………they all knew these experimental agents were dangerous, all they had to look at was the trial results

Ciara O'Connor
11 days ago
Reply to  Aline M

At least you are aware of it now. Almost all of my extended family took jabs, along with most of my neighbours. Apart from three sudden, unexpected deaths shortly after Pfizer jab no.2, the rest are still alive. One double-jabbed cousin had part of his prostate removed due to cancer last December. Another multi-jabbed cousin suffered a stroke in February 2022 and is still trying to re-learn how to walk again.
In March, a neighbour/family friend was found collapsed on the ground outside her house by her daughter. Turns out she suffered a brain bleed/aneurysm. She spent a month in hospital and is recovering at home now. This lady took at least three jabs (the first two and a booster).
Attempts to warn any of these people about the jabs fell on deaf ears. Nobody in immediate family took any, thankfully
How many jabs did you take, and which kind (Pfizer, Moderna)? Are you suffering with any jab injury symptoms now, or do you feel okay?

Aline M
11 days ago
Reply to  Ciara O'Connor

Thanks Ciara, I took 2 x AZ + one booster. I had never heard one word about the potential hazards of taking these shots until a nurse friend told me she had refused them and why. I am fine, but a number of my vaccinated friends have died from turbo cancers, all diagnosed at stage 4.

Ciara O'Connor
10 days ago
Reply to  Aline M

I’m glad you’re okay. I will say that AZ is one of the “better” jabs out of the whole bunch and, if you haven’t had any issues yet, then you most likely won’t have any going forward. I’m very sorry to hear about your friends. That’s awful, but it doesn’t surprise me at all. Very early on, in summer 2020, some of the honest doctors online (such as Dr. Carrie Madej) were saying that the jabs would shut off the gene in the human body that inhibits cancer growth. More so the mRNA jabs, Pfizer and Moderna. There was only a limited amount of scientific information on the jabs available at that time, but she was able to deduce that. So, hence the turbo cancers we see now. Dr. John Campbell has a great YouTube channel and he has done some very interesting interviews with Angus Dalgleish, who’s a Professor of Oncology at St. George’s Hospital Medical School in London. Professor Dalgleish has seen a surge in turbo cancers among people who have had boosters, and “boosted” people who had been in remission for years experiencing a return of cancer in turbo form. Many of them have such advanced cancers that they are on the way out or dead before they even had a chance to start any treatment.
I don’t mean to scare you with anything I’ve written, by the way. At the end of the day, it’s all just (truthful) information, and knowledge is power. Also, it’s not your fault that you never knew about any of the potential hazards. The censorship was on another level altogether (I got banned from several social media platforms and thrown out of groups for trying to spread the truth or share relevant videos and links, lol), and the propaganda was absolutely relentless. I stopped watching regular TV in 2014 (nothing but ads and shite programmes), but I still listen to some radio, and there was a constant, nauseating loop of ads telling people to get their “free COVID vaccine.” It infuriated me beyond belief. The worst ads were the ones eventually telling pregnant women and teenagers and children to get it. Bastards. The bribed government and bribed mainstream media working hand in hand. You would have needed to be distrustful of the government or system in some way to begin with, to have been able to see the truth of what was really going on with the scamdemic. What’s important is that you’re okay now and that you’re aware of the deception. You’ll never be fooled again.. I’m in Cork, by the way. 🙂

11 days ago

An experimental mrna based injection mandated by the Irish State for citizens to access services and premises, all based on a lie, has now been withdrawn due to the FACT it has maimed and killed a cohort of those who have taken it. This is criminal. Safe and Effective they said, more lies. Those who called this out at the time were vilified, smeared and lost there jobs in certain instances, eg Dr Gerry Waters. Every politician, paid media personality, doctor and pharmacist who promoted and injected people with this experimental drug is responsible for the pain and misery and death inflicted on those who have been affected. What about Pfizer, J&J im very sure these version of the injections are and have been “safe and effective” …………..remember the Irish authorities say they are so must be true just like Astrazeneca
Excess deaths in Ireland up 15-20% obviously has nothing to do with the “safe and effective” covid injections

James Mcguinness
11 days ago

The whole lot of the death jabs need to go. Albert bourla said on an interview recently that he saved humanity…. Lol

Claire Grant
11 days ago

Ireland suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in March 2021 following reports of patients developing blood clots after inoculations. It joined a string of other European countries in halting the vaccine, following blood clot reports in Norway.
The paragraph above was also used in an article on Gript by Maria Maynes on 29 April 2024. I provided the following response to that article:
Unfortunately for many this isn’t quite true – the powers that be here in Ireland, despite the known blood clot issues, pronounced the AstraZeneca vaccine to be perfectly safe for the 60-69 age group and rolled out two doses in the months following March 2021. A very quick google search at that time led me to discover that there had actually been a number of such cases in Europe among that age group. I therefore lost all faith in NPHET, NIAC, Government sources etc. in regard to Covid and its vaccines from that point on.

11 days ago

Covid was a scam but was really just a warm up. Politicians did what they were told and the bleating public conformed. Vax travel passes and digital currency are coming soon – if you dont conform you simply wont be able to travel. Oh and dont forget to vote, its so important you know to change the current criminals for new criminals

11 days ago
Reply to  Tommy

Yeah, the higher the turnout, the more legitimacy for whichever unit of the Uniparty claims victory.

11 days ago

My husband developed 3 large clots in his stomach area. The hospital said they didn’t know how these developed but he’s now on a concoction of meds every day plus he’s a taxi man & he’s been telling me the amount of people who have developed clots or a family member. I got 2 jabs & I will NOT! be getting any more.

11 days ago

Following the “trials” (there were very few of them !) and the “tribulations” (there have been a lot) of these “gene therapies” has become something of a specialty for me. The WHO would have been aware of the steps taken by some countries in the past 2 years or so to cease the use of AstraZeneca (the UK said it was because other jabs had “proven more effective” – lol). Notwithstanding those “red flags”, the WHO – up to recently at least – had the AstraZeneca jab (or that jab under its new name) listed on its website as one of the Covid jabs that could be used. One would expect an organisation like the WHO to be “proactive” – and not just rely on the fact that the AstraZeneca jab was still “authorised on paper” in a number of jurisdictions – but – no – that Marxist infested institution was quite happy to sit back and endorse that jab’s use in (as things had developed and with Europe and Oz having sidelined this jab) parts of the Third World !

11 days ago

Too late Niamh! This was all well known since Feb/March 2021. Vax monitoring systems showed AZ worst of all for immediate harms (~3-4 times worse than others). As ever, Gript only publishing this vax harm stuff safe in knowledge that it is published elsewhere in MSM. And you claim to be challenging the consensus……..

10 days ago
Reply to  JoeH

I agree – my reason for subscribing is that most of the MSM – on most other issues – is s**t. I have, more than once, commented – whether by means of this comment facility or a comment left on a Gript video up on YouTube – that the excess deaths in this country, the past few years – when you take account of a plausible “mechanism of injury” from the jab identified by Dr. Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Kory … (the list goes on) – can really only be explained as being a result of the jab. To the best of my knowledge – and I don’t watch RTE so I’m not able to verify this – RTE has not “investigated” the possible cause or causes of the excess deaths (a phenomenon across the developed world). Gript has highlighted the phenomenon (but not recently) – one gets the impression much of its readership has put “two and two together” …….

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