C: Tetiana Shyskina via Unsplash

40% of Ukrainian refugees aged 18 – 24 were males, state accommodation figures show

A document seen by Gript shows that 40% of the Ukrainians aged between 18 and 24 who were in state accommodation on April 26 this year were male.   

The document was sent by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) in response to issues that had arisen at the Committee of Public Accounts on February 16, 2022.  

The tables also show that a similar number – 38.9% – of all Ukrainian refugees aged between 18-24 in February were male. 


The overall proportion of the age cohort of 18 – 64 year olds who were male was 34% according to the April 26th table. Again, a similar figure was recorded in February, when 34% of all those from Ukraine in state accommodation were males between 18 and 64. 

That cohort, but particularly that of 18-24 year olds, includes all who are eligible to be conscripted into the Ukrainian army.  The only exemptions being those males who are fathers of three or more children or who are found to be of ill health.

That would suggest that a large number of Ukrainian males of military age have in effect come to Ireland in order to avoid the draft. 

The proportion of such males of military age in April  is actually most likely higher as the figures do not include another 13,000 who had come to Ireland and while eligible to claim state benefits found accommodation outside the centres offered by the state. .

Nor do the figures include around 6,500 people who had found accommodation with Irish citizens who took in Ukrainian refugees but who were still accounted among a total of 57,000 under state provision. 

Kevin McCarthy informed the Committee of Public Accounts on February 16 this year that the 13,000 were people who “may have had connections of some kind in Ireland beforehand or they may have gone into privately-pledged accommodation.”

Those 13,000 were likely to have accounted for a large proportion of those who were said to be working, and given what we know of other migrant groups here, it may be likely that significant numbers are young adult males.  

The overall proportion of adult males as a percentage of all Ukrainian refugees who had been in direct state accommodation at the end of April was 23.5%.  That does not account for those who found other accommodation as above, but was already significantly higher than the 19.5% of all refugees from Ukraine in EU states at the end of August who were adult males.

The April figure in any event is evidence of a dramatic shift in the numbers that were reported and headlined a year ago as evidence that there were hardly any adult male refugees. Several reports, based on PPS issues up to May 2022, put the number of males over 19 at 14% of all Ukrainians who had come to live in the Irish state. That had already increased to 17% three months later according to PPS statistics reported in August 2022.

It was pointedly stated that “many of the spouses and partners” of single women who had arrived here with children had stayed at home to fight. Indeed they had, but many males who their government said ought to have been defending their country had clearly chosen not to.  And it would seem that such chaps made up a significant proportion of those who came here, and that this has been steadily increasing. 

A recent German survey found that the proportion of adult males claiming protection from the war in Ukraine was 21% and that this had increased dramatically from just 7% in May/June 2022. That survey, by the ifo Institute which is connected to the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, found that many were deciding to stay for economic reasons: “Some of the refugees who are unable to maintain their accustomed standard of living in Germany are now already returning to Ukraine.”

It is difficult to imagine that refugees fleeing Nazi Germany or occupied France during World War II made decisions based on such criteria.  Given what Gript reported yesterday in relation to the vast differences in social welfare provision in Ireland as compared to the rest of the EU, it would be naïve not to believe that many Ukrainians are deciding to stay here for reasons that outweigh any connection to the ongoing conflict. 

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7 months ago

It seems that while we support Ukraine’s war with Russia, we are at the same time encouraging and paying military aged males to avoid the draft…..could only happen in Ireland !!

7 months ago
Reply to  Enda

Ukraine’ refugees’ is just another welfare racket.Many have entered Ireland claiming to be refugees , when they are clearly Africans.
‘Ukrainian passsports can be bought for a $100 in Kiev and Warsaw, as the corruption is endemic in all sectors of the Ukraine Administration.
Ireland pays out withoust question , 212 Euro to Ukrainian claimanta,plus Childrens allowance etc, free purpose built accomodation, PPS numbers on demand and a job.
This is Taxpayer subsidised work and looting of the Nation, disenfranchising native Irish from the opportunity of employment.
They will never return to Ukraine as long as this misplaced Charity is available. Or like many cute hoor Polish , take a cheap RyanAir flight to Kiev and return to collect their dole on a regular basis.
Misinformed .naive do-gooders and NGO’s are a danger to Irelands survival as a Nation.

James Gough
7 months ago

Cowards facilitated in their cowardice by our moronic government.

Anne Donnellan
7 months ago

4 bn in Budget to house Ukranians..not to mention separate fundraisers. Who is getting the 10%

7 months ago

Of the approximately 8 billion people who have been cordially invited to settle in Ireland by our rulers, it was inevitable that some small number would be genuine refugees. In this case, these men are refugees from the hopelessly corrupt and militarily incompetent Zelensky regime. (Excluding those who have illegitimately acquired a Ukrainian passport).
The Ukrainian army has been annihilated by the Russians and yet the Zelensky regime persists in sending its conscripted men to certain death. These military-age men are civilians. They are not trained soldiers. And the deindustrialised West is unable to match Russian armaments production. Only a sadist could demand that such an ill-equipped conscript army attack the heavily fortified Russian lines.
Ukraine + NATO have lost this war. It is long past time to sue for peace.

Edward Fitzgerald
7 months ago

How many commentators who denounce the influx of foreign males into this country are on the record as being equally committed to condemning misandry? I’m genuinely interested

Edward Fitzgerald
7 months ago

Is Gript only willing to support men if it’s Irish men and their masculinity that is under threat ?

Frank McGlynn
6 months ago

A la carte equality has been a core value of feminism for over a hundred years. The Pankhurst ladies were leading activists in the white feather campaign during WW1 which tried to shame men who did not go to fight in the the war. They wanted equality with men when it came to having a say in how their country was governed but not when it came to risking life and limb to defend to defend their country. Nothing has changed in that regard.

Would you support a decision by Ireland to copy the UK's "Rwanda Plan", under which asylum seekers are sent to the safe - but third world - African country instead of being allowed to remain here?

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