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PREMIUM: Microchipping, quiet quitting, and snobs – the weekly roundup

I receive, on average, somewhere around eighty and a hundred and fifty emails a week from readers. Mostly these can be divided into three categories: Feedback, usually involving criticism or praise of a particular article we’ve published; Tip offs, usually directing us towards a potential story or lead; and finally pleas that we cover something the reader thinks very important.

In this latter category, one usually finds the wildest communications. One such came in early in the week, from a person who wanted us to cover a particular plan that, this person said, would mean that the forcible microchipping of the population would commence in June, once the local and European elections were out of the way. This email, at the bottom, included the phrase “sent from my iphone”.

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John Scales
9 days ago

I laughed at the induvial sending the e-mail about micro chipping. I really enjoy the piece on class snobbery. I cancelled my Netflix subscription and straight away I signed off for Gript. In fairness Gript media put effort into the work created.

James Mcguinness
10 days ago

I think that john just highlighted one of the very core issues that I dont think he intended to highlight and is one of the very core issues of why the kakistocracy were able to get as far as they got. He said I dont believe. Im not having a go here but in reality, how many of you 10 years ago would have thought the the political parties would organize a coup against the irish people. How many of you thought the kalergi plan was a conspiracy. How many thought that geoengineering was a conspiracy theory. How many thought that the things like car, phones laptops were not actually tools of convenience but a weapon to be turned against the people through excessive maky uppy taxes and data collection. The answer is a very small insignificant amount of people that would not have even warranted attention and there are a thousand more exaples of this. The reality is that that chipping people was planned in the corridors of the world bank and euro central bank too and people who worked in these institutions said as much for their cbdc dystopia and the requirement was by 2050. Of course they would be marketed as convenient ways to have everything you need from government to the weekly shop all for your convenience and safety but their true nature is to monitor everything they do even down to your vital signs like a little thought and lie detector. Today, your phone spies on you, your tablet spies on you, your laptop spies on you, your smart devices spy on you and its all being sent to the technocracy servers. We all know elon is doing brain chips of course for your convenience and health, thats the thing, its always for your convenience and health like these people actually care about you. Trsut me, they dont. All your information from every device and every tech you interact with is being taken and sent to servers like microsoft, google, amamzn and everything else and being stored and sold to the highest bidder. In ireland you all have a marketing id which links everything you do on line and your finger prints as well as your voice has also been stored and linked to your marketing id which is in fact your digital id. Soon if this carries on all systems will be plugged into the technocracy and those lovely cameras they put up in all urban areas will know exactly who you are because of that lovely facial recognition feature you thought was cool on your phone. All the kakistocracy have to do is call google etc… and ask for all your data based on the information they have and they will send it to them and they will have your picture, your fingerprints and everything you did online to form your credit score. This is not conspiracy because they already do this in china and they are doing it here too which is why they are having their un conference in september to give whats left of our sovereignty over to the un who will have access to all that data too. But remember, its all for your safety and security ok. That latest samsung and apple does not look so appealing anymore when you realize what they intend to do with it. So the question is, dis you believe this would happen ten years ago? The answer is no but this should tell you very clearly how much not believing based on nothing as it turns out is completely the wrong attitude to take now. Believe that you have very evil people running our world and country right now that would do anything, I mean anything to suppress you and remain in power and what is happening now with what you can see and what you cant see is far worse than a prick in the hand for a chip for your so called convenience and benefit even to the point where over 50k swedes have taken it already. My advice to you which will be completely ignored, close all your online accounts with the technocracy as soon as you can. BTW, rumble has been infiltrated now as well. Watch yourselves there.

9 days ago

Sorry James… I gave an informative reply, without an ounce of a conspiracy theory in it… plus some links, but I guess those doubters also make good censors! It seems when they doubt something as a ‘conspiracy theory’, they then immediately lose the ability to see the checkable facts before their eyes… because of the ‘association’ with something they don’t believe. I guess good investigative journalism is something else!

Last edited 9 days ago by Patty.Carr
9 days ago
Reply to  Patty.Carr

From experience, if you put more than one link in a post or reply it goes in to the spam pile, even on the most uncontentious topics so nothing to do with censorship.
You can ‘dot – com’ the address, or otherwise describe it so that it can be searched as an alternative.

James McGuinness
8 days ago
Reply to  Patty.Carr

Thanks Patty, You can only post one link per post which is why it did not appear. They never look at things themselves which is why when i post stuff, its for people to go check it out for themselves. I am not going to waste time proving to them just because they choose not to believe based off nothing. An example of this was when I said the delia ship that hit the bridge was done intentionally and the amount of down votes i got was ridiculous and then the fbi opened an investigation into it. I essentially plant the seed and then when things begin to manifest, people see it then. Even the tools people use to fact check are heavily censored and because they cant see it on google, they thinks its rubbish. I dont really care if people believe it, I just tell people and its up to them to do what they will. Today we now have organisations that watch and track peoples every move, sound and biometrics through their devices and they dont pay a blind bit of notice because they dont see a consequence and it is coming. They also dont see other things in the world like the fact that mexico is now deporting americans or the fact that the trump wall is to keep people in, not out when he comes back. They plan to have a digital prison for us to keep us in.

8 days ago

Thanks for the tip, Both! 🙂

8 days ago

I used Duckduckgo for a while… now I notice that the first two pages are full of fact-checking, so now I use Swisscows._com. This gives the info relatively quickly. The Brave search engine has also been infiltrated.

James Mcguinness
7 days ago
Reply to  Patty.Carr

I dont think there is a good one fits all option unfortunately. For the data collection element, duck duck go is good but falls down on the censorship from as it pulls its information from the main stream search engines. Brave search is nowhere near good yet, yandex was good but now they are censoring because they know that people are finding information. An example of this is I was once able to find evidence of the builder or freemason martins holiday home was his donor, its dissappeared now. They are also filtering out europe independent alternative media which is a bit odd because they give russias balanced position and yandex is russian. I use a couple, yandex, duck duck go generally. I dont use youtubbe, google, microsoft or any multinational products at all, I have stipped all of them out of my life. When forming opinions, I search multiple avenues and resources and the truth pops up.

9 days ago

You can’t hit people with it all at once. It’s too overwhelming. Also, there’s no point in trying to persuade people of anything. The harder you try, the more resistance you get. It’s not easy, I’m guilty of it myself as of course you want to people to see what’s happening.

FWIW, I believe there are nonsense conspiracy theories that probably deliberately put out to discredit valid concerns people have. We can only hold our own accountable. As someone else mentioned here recently, fight for the ground under your feet. We can deal with the grander stuff further down the line.

Lastly, you can’t hide under the covers. To worry about all this stuff isn’t fun. It’s no life. You can take your own personal precautions but you have live aswell.

James McGuinness
8 days ago
Reply to  ReaIIrish

You are correct, I am not trying to convince people though, I just tell it like it is and if they want to investigate themselves, they can but mostly I just say it so when it comes, they see it. Think of it like planting a seed. It will eventually sprout. Like another example is that people are still spinning their heads at whats happening and they now believe the kalergi plan but what they dont know is that the government is now doing the cloward piven strategy to break the country as well. Its not to worry people, its so they are prepared just incase we dont get that lot out before they crash the financial system.

8 days ago

Yep …the chip…what does the bible say?…all those not born again those rich and poor will receive the Mark of the Beast,,(satan) and unless you get it you won’t be able to buy or sell or partike in society (sounds very similar to what happened during the cv19 scamdemic🤔and loads signed up to receive their mark to be able to go to the pub ,disco,holidays that was their test to see how many would accept it….yep same people will sign up again for the chip without batting an eyelid….now what does God say happens if you accept this mark/chip…HELL for eternity ,no forgiveness so if the only people that WONT get it are True Born Again Christians so one has to GET born again by belief and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ….you have a choice ..we as true Christian will then have to put our health and welfare totally in the hands of Our Lord Jesus Christ and that’s what HE wants, many will be martyrd for Christ during this tribulation like the saints and prophets before but we will be immediately with the Lord for ever. This is going to last a short while though as it’s to purify and separate the true believers. At the Lord Jesus Christ return those believers still alive will be caught up to meet him in the air and we will be ever with the Lord. Those on earth who received the mark showing their allegiance to the beast system/ the world and ultimately allegiance to satan,will be cast in to the lake of fire with the false prophet(pope) and antichrist ,(there are many antichrists out there but the one thats calling the shots and forcing the mark on the world will join the false prophet in the lake of fire as well. All prophesied in the King James Bible 16 11..get one now and dump Satan’s counterfeit bibles authorised by his minions the Jesuits …call on the Lord Jesus Christ Now ..before it’s too late…because all who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved….don’t put it off as you don’t know what tomorrow brings especially those who got the kill jab…

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