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“The Irish Independent’s strange “cat killing woman””

In this horrific story, we are told how a 26-year-old woman, in Britain, live-streamed herself killing her pet cat and putting it through a blender before going out on the town and killing a 30-year-old man with a garrotte. So this woman, it seems, is not just a sadistic and psychotic killer of the sort that is almost always male, but is also a woman of exceptional strength. A woman with the strength of a man, it would appear. At this stage, if you don’t know the story already, I expect you’ve guessed that the killer is not a woman, as reported across the media here and in Britain, but is a man. As I read the story, I was wondering when the words “the woman, who is trans”, would appear in the story but this doesn’t happen. The Irish Independent let the lie stand that the killer is a woman.

The mainstream media in Ireland is getting worse. Irish journalists are putting the demands of the trans lobby first and the right of the public to know the facts, second.

The warning signs have been with us for some years now. Our media, if not actually lying, have long been willing to “bury the lead” in the service of the trans agenda. Back in 2019 we read about the woman who was sent to Limerick Prison for the repeated sexual abuse of her stepson. The court heard she had threatened to pull the little boy’s arms off if ever he told anyone what was going on. Somewhere down the press coverage we eventually read, in a sub-clause of a sentence somewhere, that the abuser was “trans” and suddenly the story makes sense. That’s the moment when we realise what the headline should have been. “Male child abuser sent to women’s prison” is the truly newsworthy part of this story. But our media decided to bury the lead.

Last September the media told us that a woman got a three month suspended sentence for assaulting another woman in a hostel for homeless women in Dublin.

Now the rot had truly set in. Nowhere were we told that the assailant was “trans”. “Woman assaults woman in homeless hostel” is a dog-bites-man story and it got as little public attention as you might expect. I’ll tell you the real story.

A man, 33, was convicted in March of 2021 for assaulting three people. Sometime between committing that crime and being convicted, he changed his name and got a gender recognition certificate to say he was now a woman. Accordingly, on getting a 24 month (12 of which suspended) sentence, the judge directed that he be sent to a women’s prison. He was sent first to the Dochas in Dublin and later to the women’s prison in Limerick.

He was let out of prison some time early in 2022 and the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive chose to refer him to the Novas women’s hostel in Rathmines. That was the hostel that used to be widely known as the “battered wives” home and was always supposed to be a safe place for women where men would not be allowed in. Not any more.

In April of 2022, this trans-identified man assaulted a woman in that hostel. That case came to court in September of 2023, by which time the defendant was back doing a month in the Dochas for something else. The court heard that the accused had punched the homeless woman several times and ripped clumps of hair from her scalp. A three month suspended sentence was imposed.

Why did our media bury the lead on this story? The opening line should have read something like: “Man with GRC, after release from women’s prison, gets referred to women’s refuge where he commits further assault”. What’s gone wrong with our journalists? Why are you lying to the public? The woman who was beaten up in the hostel would have been in no doubt that it was a man’s fists that rained down upon her. Why become a journalist at all if you’re not going to stand up for the most vulnerable of people?

The mainstream media in Ireland is doing a very efficient job in burying the lead on trans stories. It has gone from obscuring the fact if a convicted person is trans to concealing it entirely. Or more likely, not reporting the case at all. I’ve been critical here of the coverage, such as it was, of the assault on the homeless woman in the Rathmines hostel. The greater part of the media simply ignored that story altogether.

And that allows politicians to pretend all is fine in their project of forcing men into women’s spaces. Here is Minister Jennifer Carol MacNeill speaking in the Oireachtas last October:

“…since the gender recognition change in 2015, neither I nor any woman with whom I am personally acquainted has raised the spectre or fact of men coming into women’s places in order to attack them.”


Minister, you need to listen to a wider circle of women than those with whom you are personally acquainted. You could speak to the woman who was attacked in Rathmines, for a start. As I wrote you after you made that statement, if you listen to my podcast you can hear plenty of women who have been in prison or who are in homeless hostels who raise the spectre or fact of having to share these spaces with men, including men who are sex offenders.

Were it not for publications such as my podcast, Gript Media, The Countess and others, the story of these vulnerable women would not be being heard at all. That would suit the politicians just fine. If only they had a way of making online media just as docile as the mainstream variety.

And that, I believe, is where their hate speech plans come in. In the approximately two years I have been podcasting, my enemies who, of course, refuse to listen to my work, are consistently saying that I am “spreading hate” or even, somehow, causing trans people to be assaulted. These same enemies are also enthusiastic supporters of hate speech legislation. In their dreams, they will be able to force journalists such as me to pretend that all is well in forcing men into women’s spaces, that sex offences are now as likely committed by women as by men, and that incidents such as gender-based threats and violence in women’s hostels are not happening. Or failing being able to make me lie, they at least hope to be able to stop me from telling the truth.

As I say, in their dreams. I’ll do prison before I lie for them. And I know I won’t be going  there alone.

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Sean Kennedy
2 months ago

I wonder are these criminals having a gender “change” as a result of legal advice ? Is it seen as a strategy for sympathy from the courts?

2 months ago
Reply to  Sean Kennedy

Trumps contribution to the world was his term Fake Media,
This exists worldwide to follow an agenda of those who wish to control their subversive narratives.
In Ireland we paid an enormous cost for our ‘wake up moment’.
RTE and print Media pushed the Covid Hoax and Toxic agenda which killed and injured thousands.
The Irish Media has lost all credibility at a great cost to the Irish People.
Nothing will ever be the same again ,All trust in the Regime .its controlled Media ,.controlled Garda,.Controlled Judiciary,controlled Medical Institutions has gone.They have created a wasteland of Ireland.,with their deliberate murder and injury of the People..

Eamonn Dowling
2 months ago
Reply to  Daniel BUCKLEY

Don’t forget one of the State media’s greatest black ops of them all – the coverage of Brexit. The opposition of the day agreed not to oppose the Government and the media indulged in propaganda campaign in support of the government narrative worth of Goebbels. It was a bleak time for transparency and democracy. A constant pro-EU and anti-British onslaught was the substitute for objective reporting. Rational discussion of the reasons behind the vote to leave were rendered unnecessary by all sorts of pundits regurgitating unqualified opinions about an imperial mindset and the UK being populated by largely xenophobic little Englanders. It was a terrific campaign of misinformation which was largely successful allowing a large percentage of the Irish population to feel good about their own outward looking perspective as opposed to the media created fiction of the narrow minded inward looking Brits . People joyfully swallowed the state propaganda that Leo was indeed ‘playing a blinder’. It was mind control and state propaganda on an industrial scale and it was probably the perceived success in generating a national mood of self-congratulation at the perception of a modern open-minded Irish society , which , unlike their British counterparts, would be very at ease with a multicultural society, that emboldened the main parties to go much , much , further and to surrender the opt out without mandate or opposition and align themselves with the EU borderless policy on mass non-EU immigration.

Martin Hallissey
2 months ago
Reply to  Eamonn Dowling

The propaganda line of – the UK being populated by largely xenophobic little Englanders who voted for Brexit is so crazy when you think about it for even a moment.

The British elites and governing class were the ones voting for Remain and these were the class of people who led and prospered from the British Empire. The ordinary people of the North of England were voting for Brexit and these were the class of people who were used as ‘cannon fodder’ by the British Empire.

If you pay attention to the words of English folk songs from the periods of the British Empire, you can clearly see that the ordinary British people were very often coerced into the British military.

2 months ago
Reply to  Daniel BUCKLEY

Well… Trump did a bit more, that was reversed by Biden with executive orders…. he left the Paris climate accord…. that was a more than 90% agreement between banks on how to profit from it! He left the WHO, who are trying to take us over in May. He broke off the trade agreement with Trudeau and made him sweat! He though he was doing good with project ‘Warb-speed’… how could he know that he was being tricked by the pentagon and the pharma industry, including the crooked FDA and CDC? He confronted the corrupt NATO, which he wanted to abolish! He showed the Germans and the French up for what they were… US-Puppets and threated them accordingly. He strongly backed the Brexit… which we now also wish it was us! He also built most of the ‘Wall’, despite being blocked by both houses and republicans.
But he will always be seen to have been a failure.. because he failed to “drain the swamp”! Our government now belong to this global swamp! This was due to his inexperience as a Washington politician. The people, who were recommended to him, who got all the important positions, where people, belonging to the swamp! Still he stopped them from attacking Iran or starting any wars! He went to the WEF and told them he is not going along with them, and Soros then indicated that 2021 would be the end of his presidency. Many say the pandemic was designed to ruin the US economy that was flourishing and to allow absentee ballots, that are nearly always connected to corruption in elections.

Anne Donnellan
2 months ago

Xx= woman
XY= male

Declan Hayes
2 months ago

Vote for Varadkar, O’Gorman, Warfield, Chambers, Stagg, Norris. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Killing animals is a well known sign of a psychopath which has been deliberately and fatally ignored here. Peter Tatchell must be in 7th heaven seeing all his pals have accomplished. As for Paddy O’Gorman and interviewing ordinary folk: old hat. Just listen instead to what our political parrots say, no matter how obviously and dangerously stupid it is

Anne Donnellan
2 months ago

In May 2019, the highly suss WHO declassified trans as a mental disorder
Having also changed the definition of “p@nd3muc”
And v@ x

James Gough
2 months ago

More and more people realise the crock of shit that the media is pedaling. Their credibility is imploding. They have totally lost control of the narrative and their answer is to double down on their lies and to support censoring those telling the truth.

Eamonn Dowling
2 months ago

A very good article by Paddy highlighting the fact that we are on a de facto journey towards compulsory speech and compulsory thought . The media are merely the paving the path that we are all meant to follow .

2 months ago
Reply to  Eamonn Dowling

And the media will pay the heaviest price.

James Mcguinness
2 months ago

This is the type of mental illness that the kakistocracy is trying to normalize. Trans people have body dis-morphia and require mental health services. They are dangerous, narcissistic and even have pedophile tendencies. They are promoted because they look like baphemet.

2 months ago

Some year’s ago the press had a field day with the statement below from Archbishop OConnell.
Furious polemics were issued on the subject by the media.
Mental reservation or lies of omission.
Now the same press are doing the same.
All in the name of inclusion and tolerance of course.
Never mind about women and children .

“Well, the general teaching about mental reservation is that you are not permitted to tell a lie. On the other hand, you may be put in a position where you have to answer, and there may be circumstances in which you can use an ambiguous expression realising that the person who you are talking to will accept an untrue version of whatever it may be – permitting that to happen, not willing that it happened, that would be lying. It really is a matter of trying to deal with extraordinarily difficult matters that may arise in social relations where people may ask questions that you simply cannot answer. Everybody

knows that this kind of thing is liable to happen. So, mental reservation is, in a sense, a way of answering without lying.”[23]

2 months ago

Think of the incarcerated women in women’s prisons, who have to share a cell, a bunk-bed, a wash-basin and a toilet, alone, with an ‘all-there’ biological man, who has multiple conviction of sexual violence, but who claims to be transgender, because it’s more fun in Women’s prisons? or because they are one? Their rights have simply evaporated! If asked for stats, no answer is given. So what is the situation now in Irish prisons?

Last edited 2 months ago by Patty.Carr.
Kate Lawlor
2 months ago

Ireland is becoming “no place for” old women, young women, girls, no “safe space” for us. I think about this every time I’m in the locker room of my gym. Thank God so far no men showering in the cubicle next to me. If I encounter one and management flakes out when I say something I will cancel my membership straight away.

2 months ago

it’s ‘bury the lede’, not lead

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