Credit: Ameya Khandekar via Unsplash

Dublin Airport ranked among Europe’s top ten most stressful airports

Passenger numbers, car parking charges, and departure delays are among a range of factors which have contributed to Dublin Airport featuring among Europe’s ten most stressful airports in a new study.

The analysis, from StressFreeCarHireRental, which is released by the travel experts every year, saw Dublin rank at number eight on the list.

The most stressful airport in Europe according to the data was Charles-de-Gaulle in Paris, while Zagreb in Croatia ranked as the least stressful.

Charles-de-Gaulle airport took the crown for the most stressful, largely due to the high volumes of passengers travelling through, and a high departure delay score. 

Destinations were ranked based on five stress-inducing factors: passenger numbers, distance from the city centre, number of flight destinations, car parking charges and departure delays. Ten popular airports were chosen for analysis.

Dublin ranked as eighth most stressful in the 2024 index, with the data pointing out that Ireland’s biggest airport is just 15.57 km away from the city centre and charges passengers €107 a week to park. 

The airport saw 33,522,493 passengers pass through its doors in 2023, offering a total of 184 flight destinations. The travel provider gave Dublin a departure delay score of 1.5 out of 5.

However, London Heathrow ranked worse than Dublin, earning third place on the list. Heathrow had the most expensive car parking charge on the index, with passengers having to pay  €143.34 for a week’s parking.

Despite almost 80 million travellers passing through Heathrow airport each year, the London destination has a departure delay score of 1.8 out of five on the index.

Schiphol, Charles-de-Gaulle, Rome and Lisbon airports all have a higher departure delay score of at least 2.3 out of five, despite receiving millions less annual visitors. 

The second most stressful airport after Charles-de-Gaulle was Schiphol Airport in Holland, with a weekly car park charge of €113.50. The Amsterdam airport has one of the highest number of destinations passengers can fly to, at 260, making it more stress-inducing for passengers, according to the index.

Rome airport was the cheapest to park at (€27.60), followed by Madrid charging (€36). However, Rome ranked as the fourth most stressful due to over 40 million annual passengers and 225 destinations to fly to. 

Athens featured at number five on the list; Madrid came in sixth place; Lisbon in seventh; while Berlin was placed the ninth most stressful airport after Ireland in eighth place. Zagreb took tenth spot on the list. 

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remembering solohead ambush
9 days ago

likes of ryanair easyjet and so on have added to our misery with no housing for locals rural towns starting to look like inner city sh@th@les from flooding of non irish for big fat profit that locsls will never C

James McGuinness
10 days ago

It’s diabolical, always was and the daas focus now is on neo marxism training.

Pat the Cat
9 days ago

How much did they pay an NGO to write that sentence? Ask any joe on the streets of Ireland, and they could have told you!

Peter Kelliher
10 days ago

I may be reading the article incorrectly but from my understanding it would appear that Dublin was the 8th least stressful airport out of only 10 which were chosen. Based on that it can hardly be claimed, as it has in the headline, that it is the 8th most stressful airport in Europe. It is actually only 8th of the ten that were looked at.
It may be only a small point but it is this kind of reporting that turned me off RTE and the MSM – an unnecessary sensationalist headline.

Declan Hayes
10 days ago
Reply to  Peter Kelliher

“Dublin ranked as eighth most stressful in the index, the Irish airport is just 15.57 km away from the city centre and charges passengers €107 a week to park.” Straight quote, so Ms Maynes is in the clear there. And with “Rome Airport” as there are two Rome airports. The gap in charges and stress between Croatia and the rest is due to either 1. a small (and skewed) sample as you suggest.or 2. the article omitted most other airports.

Peter Kelliher
10 days ago
Reply to  Declan Hayes

Unfortunately that is not what is in the preamble in bold at the top. It said Ireland features among the 10 most stressful airports in Europe. It is only by reading the article that it can be gleaned that only 10 airports were included in the study. So I’m afraid you are incorrect in saying that Maria is in the clear.
My point was based around the headline giving a false impression. Being 8th least stressful out of a sample of 10 is not a bad result in my opinion. Any other reading of the facts is not correct.

Peter Kelliher
10 days ago
Reply to  Peter Kelliher

Direct quote “Ten popular airports were chosen for analysis.”

remembering solohead ambush
9 days ago

ryanair one stop flight to dublin for non irish forever free life changing dream come throught (from airport to the grave) FREE

Last edited 9 days ago by remembering solohead ambush
Anne Donnellan
9 days ago

Instead of expanding Dublin, use regional airports

5 days ago

I never use airports any more biggest scam perpetrated on public travelling,body x-rays,pat downs ,confiscation of legally purchased items all put in to the Christmas box for sharing afterwards between the staff,if they want something in your bag they will take it…and the utter bullshit, if your carrying tootpaste and perfumes and even water above a certain size has to be confiscated,I remember many years ago my 6 yr old going to Disney excited as any child and a brainwashed goon ridiculed her for having her favourite face cream which was in her kiddy bag which she put in unknownst to us which any child would do but then dumped it in the collection bag,she was uncontrollable after that,but the way he treated her I could have punched his lights out but controlled my temper for the sake of the child. All for supposedly terroist false flag attacks and I hope you know 911 etc were inside jobs, but it just another excuse to control what’s going in and out legally by law abiding citizens,and the smuggling still goes on with the elites who don’t need to que up but go through the side entrance…of the airport…I’ll stick to going by ferry with my own car not dependant on hours spent at an airpo inrt.

Would you support a decision by Ireland to copy the UK's "Rwanda Plan", under which asylum seekers are sent to the safe - but third world - African country instead of being allowed to remain here?

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