Critics of WHO proposals on pandemic treaty point to possible dangers

Senator Sharon Keoghan yesterday hosted a series of events to highlight issues around the World Health Organisation Pandemic Treaty.

The main focus of the points made at the press conference in Buswells was the manner in which the WHO Treaty is likely to impact on the lives of citizens in individual states. 

The Treaty itself has its origins in the Covid panic when, in December 2021, member states gathered at the World Health Assembly and agreed to allow the WHO to draft an agreement setting out how any future pandemic would be dealt with.

That agreement is set to be presented to another world assembly in May this year. This has led critics to argue that the Treaty will override national sovereignty and basically force all states to adopt whatever is finally agreed – though the WHO denies sovereignty will not be respected. 

While there are differing views on this, critics point to the manner in which each member state of the EU adopted the WHO-inspired vaccine passport once that was decided upon by the European Council and passed by the European Parliament.

That was approved by a majority of 5:1, but it raises the question as to what would happen if an individual member state or states – say 4 or 5 of the 26  EU members –  decided not to adopt such a measure. Could the Council then insist upon them adopting it against their wishes as an EU directive?

That was the question raised by the German AfD MEP Christine Anderson at the conference. She claimed that there could be a possibility that the European Council could decide to approve the WHO Treaty and therefore require it to be implemented across all of the member states.

Anderson admitted that such powers do not currently devolve to the Council or the Commission but argued the original proposals for the “European constitution” that eventually became Lisbon were clearly designed to move in that direction. 

Others have argued that this would require a referendum although, as former Councillor Richard Greene noted in his contribution from the floor, even were such a referendum to take place there is no guarantee that it would be the end of things – people ought to recall what happened when both the first Lisbon and Nice Treaty referendums to approve were defeated, but the EU and the Irish state insisted on putting them to another vote following amendments. 

Some critics of the proposed WHO treaty also argue that a referendum would be required if the proposal was to become part of Irish legislation. 

Their claim is based on the 1987 landmark judgment in the case taken by the late Ray Crotty which found that the Single European Act would lead to a delegation of sovereignty and was therefore required to be put to the decision of the electorate in a referendum. However, the SEA was passed by referendum, and subsequent treaties, in particular the Lisbon Treaty, ceded considerable sovereignty to the EU, so the Crotty judgment may not be a barrier to adoption of the WHO proposal. 


There are clearly issues that require to be debated, whatever one’s view of the Treaty or indeed of the arguments being put against it. It is the lack of debate that creates the environment in which there is suspicion of anything with an official stamp of approval.  

An indication, perhaps, of the likelihood that such a debate is little likely to be given much public prominence is that very few TDs and Senators or members of their staff appear to have turned up for the briefing that was hosted by Senator Sharon Keogan in the AV Room of Leinster House. 

In fact, Paul Murphy TD and Louise O’Reilly of Sinn Feín were angered that Senator Keogan had invited Christine Anderson to the Oireachtas, with Murphy describing her invitation as “outrageous” and O’Reilly expressing concern at “the use of Dáil facilities to promote far-right ideology”. 

One of the other invited speakers, Dr. Meryl Nass, whose medical license was suspended for a 30-day period during Covid time, spoke about some of the contributory factors in restricting or even censoring debate.  She referred to recent examples where leading figures within the world of academia in the United States have been exposed for various transgressions including plagiarism.  

Dr. Nass claimed that acceptance of restrictions on views that are unacceptable to the establishment has reached the extent where there are specific courses which facilitate what she referred to as the awarding of “degrees in misinformation.”

On a more serious note such restrictions upon debate, as Gript, and only a very few others, reported on during the lockdowns, without doubt prevented proper discussion of the measures that were implemented during that time. States, including our own, are now establishing inquiries into how all of that was handled. 

“The Irish inquiry will certainly be keenly watched to see how much focus will be placed on the unhealthy relationship that was created between the state and the mainstream media.  Gript looked at that in relation to Kinzen, but there is a strong argument that many Irish media outlets failed in their duty to fully inform their readers during the pandemic.

Other speakers at Senator Keogan’s event also mentioned the ongoing failure to properly investigate the origins of Covid-19, and how that might have been manipulated by certain powers. 

As we have noted here previously, the WHO “received considerable and fair criticism for listening guilelessly to whatever the Chinese Government was saying on a daily basis at the early stages, and taking whatever Beijing said at face value.”

And its is true that the draft Treaty “does commit Ireland – and all of the other signatories – to adopting standards and policies that are as yet undefined”,

Meanwhile, the WHO insists that their proposal for a “Pandemic Treaty” will respect the sovereign rights of each county. As with all debates there will be critical views that perhaps strain credibility.  That, however, is not exclusive to the opposition to such proposals, as we well know.  And the debate should nonetheless be had.

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James Mcguinness
3 months ago

Leaving aside the obvious issues here with sovereignty etc… The whole covid rubbish was a huge hegelanian dialect to jab us with poison and instigate draconian tyranny on us on behalf of a parasitic satanic pedo ring and they expect us to be jumping and be glad of an organisation that’s mostly funded by kill gates who has personally murdered and disabled millions in Africa and India alone. In fact he was kicked out of India for it. Western nations are democratic and covid is a power grab by unelected psychopaths through this mechanism. The Hegelian dialect of covid is now public and we are not dependent on the useful idiots in the dail to affirm this as they have proven to be in lock step with the satanic pedos and most probably satanic pedos themselves judging by the tusla missing children they don’t seem to mention or care about.

Last edited 3 months ago by James Mcguinness
3 months ago

It is estimated that 95% of the Irish population fell for the Covid Hoax. This was enabled by the creation of Mass Hysteria,, Fear and Terror by a corrupted Media ,especially.RTE.
The Covid Hoax was the enabler to introduce the Toxic Injection,which unleashed death and injury on a large scale ,and will continue into the future due to its DNA interference effects on fertility ,sterility on the reproduction systems.
The trust, gullibility and docility of the People is no more and has been a major contributor to recent protests, altho’ unmentioned.
The Trust in Govt ,its State Institutions, Gardai, Judiciary and the Medical Institutions is gone and we now have a cynical, caustic, critical thinking People who are ungovernable under this Regime, without reressive force. and Lawfare,such as the HATE sapeech Laws, Digital Services censorship.
Recent civil unrest is but the begiining of what will be an eventful year 2024 for Ireland.
The mask of benevolent stupidity of the Regime has slipped ,revealing a malevolent ,malicious,vicious,corrupt criminal visage that has evil intent on the People and Nation.

James Mcguinness
3 months ago
Reply to  Daniel BUCKLEY

Bang on as per usual Daniel and what they did was wake people up because regretfully I was one of those sheep who followed blindly because I simply could not have conceived that these parasites would do something like this, bloody idiot i was in fairness. Now we all know exactly what transpired in some form but the covid scam is a pin prick in comparison to everything else to the point that I can say with certainty that we can erase 80pc of what we know historically from out heads through the schools indoctrination projects as well as 80pc of the science we were told was fact as it was all done and designed to lead us to our end gradually and slowly with the help of the useful idot parasitic class in the media and the dail and every constituency in the country. The way I see it, if people dont wake up and grow a pair which I dont see happening, we can kiss our country as well as ourselves and out children goodbye!

David Sheridan
3 months ago

This ‘Pandemic Treaty’ is just another prong of the NEO’s agenda.

Jeremy Warren
3 months ago

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a shortcut to global governance, without any democracy whatsoever. And no accountability, mechanism of debate or challenge, scientific or otherwise.
The WHO have not shown any evidence of competence or integrity, in fact the opposite. After the way they handled the covid debacle, it is ridiculous that they should even still exist never mind expect to be given the phenomenal powers that are in the proposed treaty.
Also the ammendments to the existing international health guidelines give them most of the authority they set out to aquire in the treaty, but have gone pretty much under the radar as most peoples focus is on the new treaty.
The new powers go far beyond addressing a health crisis, and may be used – without debate or consultation – if the director (who is an extremely dubious and un-qualified individual) considers there to be the potential for almost any kind of emergency to instigate binding recommendations without regard to human rights or national laws.
If this was proposed as the plot for a dystopian sci-fi film it would be dissmissed as too ridiculious, but our politicians think its a fantastic idea – go figure…..

3 months ago

A corollary – in practical (political) terms – of another “Lockdown” – such as those in 2020/2021 – is massive State supports to businesses. Call me a “Senator Eugene McCarthy” (at least I don’t drink as much as the late Senator…..) but that all sounds “a bit Commie” to me. Actually the way the economies/public finances of many developed countries are going, they will really struggle to do a “reprise” of the State handouts of 3 years ago. Fact check the following: approx of all US dollars ever printed in that currency’s history, a quarter of them were printed in the period of June 2020 to June 2022 !

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago
Reply to  BorisPastaBuck


Anne Donnellan
3 months ago

In 2017 Enda Kenny launched Accenture Dugital ID 2020 in Dunlin Docklands

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago
Reply to  Anne Donnellan

Precursor to vax pass

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago

Not ” possible” dqnger, real and about to be present danger if a halt is not put on this nefarious treaty

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago

In 2017 Ms Matsosos was a member of the wirld bank

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago

Rosa Matsosos, South Africs
Is a member of tge WHO. INB

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago
Reply to  Anne Donnellan

International negotiating board, to which Donnelly and DoH yields our independence

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago

In 2017 Wits. Worldbank recorded 14 million in sales
Of c19 test kit

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago
Reply to  Anne Donnellan

14m to Ireland alonr

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago

In 201w WHO GAVI published Vaccine Action plan for Europe 2015 2020

Objective 3 electronic register..we will know who and where you are and if you have not been vaccinated we want to know why

Anne Donnellan
3 months ago
Reply to  Anne Donnellan


James Mcguinness
3 months ago

Our politicians are traitors.

Alexia Abnett
3 months ago

Lets not forget that it will be money that will be the ultimate winner as to what will happen or not. Money will be used to ‘force’, ‘coerce’, and bribe the countries who still hang onto what little sovereignty they have within the EU. It will be to the benefit of, and only the benefit of, the ‘left wing/Liberals in power. ANY country that dares to have another view will be called right wing/far right, and as such will lose their part of the deal. Having said that, Estonia and several other countries, will possibly reject this WHO nonsence Pandemic Treaty. This entity is an unelected, unaccountable, international institution, and is greatly influenced and therefore manipulated, in their decision making by donors such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which is the second highest donor to WHO after the USA. Imagine that? Ireland itself was called upon to donate even more money to GAVI (BMGF) and so the money was a never ending gravy train for many, (some rumours say privately into powerful peoples pockets, and will leave that there).
Given that Ursula von der Leyen is another unelected person in the EU, and who has the power to enforce the rules, she will do so again, and on that we can depend on. The left wing Liberals don’t like Christine Anderson, because she exposes these people for who and what they stand for- Corruption of the highest order, for a start. Gone are the days when Liberals were the ‘good people’. Now we stand in the middle, not knowing where to go, and are literally forced to be called far right, just because we do not agree with their policies.
The more we object to this Pandemic Treay the less chance the likes of private officials pockets being filled to enforce rules based crap on us all, will happen. The WHO Treaty must be rejected at all costs. Not even if the words are changed. Because hidden in those words will be the end of us all. How is it that every country that had an ’emergency’ health Act (and most of them do) suddenly had the right to shut down economies, and countries, and force people to do what they said was for the ‘greater good’ ? These Acts were so old, that many had even forgotten about them. But NO, someone was looking into this for a long time and once the pandemic was released, the Acts were suddenly revived. Talk about the ‘sleeping giant’ and all.
This government wants to modernise the Constitution (two bills, to revise the definition of family) as they say it is too old fashioned, and the wording needs to be modernised, hence the referendum coming up soon, why not do the same for the archaic Emergency Health ACT 1947, although there were Amendments 2020 to include limiting the spreading of Covid-19, only, (will it only and always be Covid19?). The proposal should be that a brand new Act for Ireland to follow into the 22nd Century is called for, not something that an unelected, unaccountable, international institution (NGO) wants a country to do. They should be given the middle finger and told to visit a taxidermist.

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