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200,000 cattle to be sacrificed on the altar of climate change

According to a report published this morning by the Farming Independent the state’s commitment to achieving targets on carbon emissions will require that almost 200,000 cattle will have to be destroyed over a three year period.

This would involved the payment of €600 million to “encourage” farmers to take part.

The scheme is described as “voluntary” but the targets are mandatory. Nor will it end there as it is estimated that the national livestock herd will need to be reduced by 740,000 in the longer term.

According to information secured by the Farming Independent under the Freedom of Information Act the scheme was to begin in 2023. The briefing paper outlined by the Department of Agriculture sets out how the reductions required under the carbon budget would be achieved.

As with the decommissioning of the fishing fleet, once people elect to take the money offered to exit the sector, no one else will take their place. That will have the effect means the eradication of thousands more farm families, just as the fishing scheme involves the ending of generations of family and community involvement.

And of course, the production of food from cattle and fish will simply mean that Irish producers are displaced by producers in other countries such as Brazil which, oblivious to the fanatical determination of climate extremists in the west, is actively increasing its own cattle herd by huge numbers.

In the same fashion, the foreign fleets will continue to raid the Irish fishery and sell the fish back to us.

Nor will the rest of the country be exempted as the Northern Ireland Assembly has previously agreed to a Climate Act in 2022 whose target is “that the net Northern Ireland emissions account for the year 2050 is at least 100% lower than the baseline.”

That, according to an analysis of the measures required would mean the virtual eradication of livestock in the Six Counties, a reduction of one million cattle and sheep. So do not be expecting that Sinn Féin if they manage to get into government in the 26 Counties will be anything other than worst than the current administration.


A similar pattern is being followed across the EU and we have had the recent examples of the Dutch state getting approval for a €1,5 billion scheme to “persuade” livestock farmers to shut up shop.

This occurred despite the clear indications, as evidenced by the dramatic increase in support for the farmer’s party in recent elections, that most farmers wish to preserve their livelihood and tradition rather than being bribed or forced out of business.

It truly beggars belief that the EU – one of whose core founding principles when it was established as the European Economic Community was the basic guarantee that western Europe would never experience the sort of food shortages that had been one of the consequences of two world wars – are in the process of abandoning that basic objective.

It also defies comprehension that the centre right and centre left parties who are mostly implementing this madness have succumbed to the demands of a small minority of extremists. That includes Ireland where a small extreme Green Party has managed to persuade Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil as well as all of the potential alternatives to go along with this.

The basic responsibility of any state is to ensure that its people will have enough food – preferably by producing most of it themselves.

Ireland has more than managed for as long as history records to do so.  The only time our people starved was when colonial settlers brought war and actual famine over several hundred years, or denied access to that food during An Gorta Mór.

Now the Spensers and Pettys have seemingly been replaced by bureaucrats who unthinkingly come up with schemes in the service of a climate change agenda driven by fanatical Pollyanna extremists on the left, and completely ignored by the totalitarians on the left in China who of course are happy to nod favourably on the fifth column that are busy attempting to accomplish the destruction of the West.

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