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New Mayo Clinic Study suggests puberty blocker damage may be permanent

A new study has suggested that damage done by puberty blockers is permanent, casting doubt on claims by trans campaigners that the hormone drugs simply “pause” puberty and provide time for children who question their gender.

The preprint study from the Mayo Clinic, a world-renowned leader in medical research, found mild to severe atrophy in the testes and sperm of male children on puberty blockers. The authors of the groundbreaking study have expressed doubt about the “reversibility” of such blockers, a claim made by campaigners who promote the use of the drugs for gender dysphoric children.

Scientists at the world-renowned clinic who carried out the study found that puberty blockers can lead to fertility problems, withering testicles, and even cancer among children who take them. Authors found that puberty blockers hurt the development of testicles and sperm production in ways that cannot be fully reversed, with problems including impacting users’ ability to have children in adulthood.

Geneticist Nagarajan Kannan and others who authored the 33-page study said: “At the tissue level, we report mild-to-severe sex gland atrophy in puberty blocker-treated children.”

“We provide unprecedented histological evidence revealing detrimental paediatric testicular sex gland responses to the drugs,” they added, going on to highlight the case of a 12-year-old boy who had been on puberty blocker treatment for 14 months.

In the child’s case, nearly 60 per cent of his sex glands had “full atrophied,” they wrote. In addition, there was also an “appearance of microlithiasis” – small clusters of calcium that are linked to testicular cancer. Meanwhile, in the case of another 14-year-old boy who had been taking puberty blockers for four years, they found that his sperm production cells were stunted.

While researchers described the results as worrying, they emphasised that more research was needed. 

“The evidence of sex ‘gland atrophy and abnormalities from the histology data raise a potential concern regarding the complete ‘reversibility’ and reproductive fitness’ of sperm cells in boys who take puberty blockers,” they said.

The recently published preprint came ahead of the long-anticipated Cass Review in Britain, released on Wednesday, with the independent review warning that healthcare professionals felt afraid to discuss their views on transgender services for children. The report also found that there was no evidence that puberty blockers or hormone drugs “buy time to think” or reduce the suicide risk in children suffering from gender dysphoria.

The publication of the review by paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass has confirmed the NHS in England’s shift away from the medicalised treatment of children struggling with their gender, to one focused on talk therapy and support.

The Mayo Clinic preprint, although not yet peer-reviewed or published, suggests that some of the effects of puberty blockers on testes and sperm may not be reversible, sparking concern from leading medics.

Prof Ashley Grossman, a University of Oxford endocrinologist, has pointed to the study as proof that there is ‘no good evidence’ showing puberty blockers help children.

The endocrinologist highlighted the study, saying that the drugs are too risky to be given to the “greatly increased” number of adolescents who identify as transgender.

“Routine puberty blocking treatment for this use has not yet been adequately studied, and many of these children may have other problems for which they need help,’ he added, hinting at a growing body of evidence showing gender confused youngsters often have other, underlying mental health issues,” he said, as he pointed to the early data released by the Mayo Clinic in the preprint last month.

The UK last month joined the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Norway in a growing list of European nations to have either placed restrictions on or banned medical interventions for gender dysphoric children. 

Senator Michael McDowell has joined calls in Ireland to halt puberty blockers for Irish children in light of Wednesday’s Cass report.

The senior lawyer and former attorney general said the UK experience must act as a “major wake up call” for Ireland.

“I have for a number of years publicly raised grave concerns about this practice for which Dr Cass has now found “no good evidence” to support its continued use as a treatment pathway for vulnerable gender-questioning children. Similar concerns have been raised in Ireland by the National Gender Service,” Senator McDowell said.

“I am today calling on the Minister for Health and the HSE to immediately discontinue in the public health service the prescription of puberty blockers.”

“The UK experience must now act as an urgent wake-up call to Irish lawmakers, medical professionals, parents and all who care for and about Irish children.”

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Casso Wary
27 days ago

I’m not a medical person and I could predict what a lot of the outcomes would be. Doctors and pharma should be sued to the ends of the earth, hit them where it hurts, as behind this dangerous nonsense lies pure unadulterated greed. Then jail them for the heinous damage that they’ve done to youngsters.

27 days ago
Reply to  Casso Wary

And the politicians. We need the clause that protects them from legal action taken out of the Constitution.

The State had to pay out damagee to victims of Thalidomide because the Department of Health continued to recommend the drug even after the harms from it were known and it was withdrawn from use in other countries.

Any harm caused by delays in banning puberty-blockers when this is now out really demands criminal charges be brought against the Minister and individuals in the hse responsible for further inaction.

Last edited 27 days ago by Buddha
27 days ago
Reply to  Casso Wary

>pure unadulterated greed
That is definitely part of it — if the treatment was not covered by health insurance, there would be a lot less of it.

James Gough
27 days ago

Well what do you know?. Who would have thought that powerful drugs designed to stunt the physical and mental development of children actually do stunt the physical and mental development of children. It takes really stupid people to think this is a good idea for their children. You are going to have some explaining to do to your stunted mutilated offspring when they reach thirty.

Emmet Molony
27 days ago
Reply to  James Gough

I believe they were originally invented to chemically castrate people.

27 days ago

This was predicted from previous evidence a long time ago.
The mayo clinic were entrenched trans enthusiasts so this is going to hit the child-abuse advocate camp pretty hard.

Inevitably, this will be parallelled among girls. And the implications for conception and gestation down the line could be horrendous for the babies.

23 days ago
Reply to  Buddha

this is how bad it will become down the line for babies, I just would like to state I have no issue with people calling themselves what gender they want to be but leave kids alone don’t push something on a child or a baby when there brains have not fully developed yet taking away there choice leave them decide for them self’s when they are adults

27 days ago

Now, it is a known fact that the evidence for this was sent to Stephen Donnelly and his predecdessors multiple times over the last few years – by several groups, organisations and many individuals.
Also to others in the Dáil, so there will be extensive records of this.
There should be charges against him, Harris and Varadkar personally for any lads (and girls) harmed. Personal liability, not charged to the taxpayer.

Peter Kelliher
27 days ago
Reply to  Buddha

I think you know the drill at this stage – commission a tribunal or report, legal challenges leading to countless delays, huge earnings for m’learned friends, draft report issued, more countless delays, final report issued 15 years after commission with no blame attached to individuals (acted in good faith etc.) and recommendations that this sort of thing never be allowed to happen in the future.
And repeat for next scandal, ad infinitum.

Peter Kelliher
27 days ago
Reply to  Peter Kelliher

PS And, of course substantial damages to the victims all paid for by the public purse.

27 days ago
Reply to  Peter Kelliher

It’s like a surreal fairytale about a Land of the Mad

27 days ago

This is the liberals crime. I await the tribunals and hopefully criminal prosecution.

David Sheridan
27 days ago

All part of a satanic agenda. The utter insanity of the medical professionals who go along with it.

A Call for Honesty
27 days ago

Confused children do not have a viral or bacterial illness or broken bone or cancer or anything that requires medication and surgery. Children need compassionate counselling and time to grow in their understanding and helped to see the harms. Giving puberty blockers is medical malpractice and those guilty should be expelled from the health sector.

27 days ago

Obviously — you cannot interrupt such a basic human process as sexual maturation without expecting permanent consequences.
After COVID and and an abomination like transgenderism, unless you need a trauma surgeon to fix you up after a serious accident, some skepticism directed at the medical establishment is definitely warranted — not to mention healthy.

27 days ago

First the Cass report and then the Mayo Clinic report… TENI and Belong2 must be having a meltdown! When you add in the fact that these evil people failed miserably to cloak their behavior in attempting to delete women from the constitution, it’s been a bad few weeks for these transhausen by proxy women and societally useless autogynephilic males.

24 days ago

He Man should only exist in Grayskull,masters of the universe unite to fight skeletor.

Last edited 24 days ago by SHANE

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