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Canadian dad calls on judge to block 27-year-old daughter’s assisted suicide

A Canadian man has called on a judge to block his 27-year-old daughter’s assisted suicide, arguing that the young woman lacks the ability to fully consent to the doctor-assisted death.

The case, which has highlighted family members’ limited ability to intervene, has seen the Alberta father argue that his daughter is not eligible due to her autism and mental health issues.

The father and daughter live together, however are in disagreement about the decision, which has already been approved by doctors. The man, known as WV, cannot be identified under a court order. He is now seeking a judicial review of the case.

Last week, a court in Calgary were urged by the dad’s lawyer to extend an injunction used to block the woman’s suicide on 1st February, a day before the woman’s assisted suicide was to take place. The woman, identified as MV, “suffers from autism and possibly other undiagnosed maladies that do not satisfy the eligibility criteria for MAiD,” the man’s lawyer, Sarah Miller, said, according to local paper the Calgary Herald.

The lawyer acting for the father argued that the Medical Assistance in Dying approval her client’s 27-year-old daughter received needs to be thoroughly reviewed, the paper reports.

Counsel for the woman this week argued that her father has no standing in interfering with the medically approved decision. Miller said that an injunction granted to the dad before should be extended until a judicial review can take place.

Miller argued before the court on Monday that the MAID approval needs to be reviewed, 

“As W.V. explains, M.V. suffers from autism and possibly other undiagnosed maladies that do not satisfy the eligibility criteria for MAID,” Miller said in her written brief for Justice Colin Feasby.

Along with autism, the Court of King’s Bench judge heard that the woman also suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and her father does not believe she is in need of MAID to relieve her suffering.

The daughter applied for MAID last year and initially received approval from one of two doctors. She then applied to a third physician who also approved the procedure, the Calgary Herald reported. 

“There are genuine concerns with respect to impartiality,” Miller said.

The lawyer said issues also remain concerning whether the patient has been subject to undue influence in coming to the conclusion she wants medical professionals to terminate her life.

“There’s no evidence before this court that she has an irremediable condition,” Miller said.

The latest government figures have spotlighted Canada’s MAiD programme introduced in 2016, revealing that 13,102 people across the country had their lives ended by assisted suicide in 2022. This was a 30 per cent hike on the previous year, raising concerns about the Canadian regime. Moves to expand the practices are being questioned, with the country having one of the highest rates of euthanasia in the world – with 4.1 per cent of deaths now aided by doctors.

In a survey undertaken by the 13,102 Canadians who ended their lives under MAiD, the vast majority said their decision was due to the “loss of ability to engage in meaningful life activities.” More than one-third said their decision was at least partly due to a feeling they were perceived as a burden on family, friends, or caregivers, giving cause for concern to healthcare experts and lawmakers.

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David Sheridan
2 months ago

State sponsored murder. How has it come to this?

2 months ago

As I understood this case, the Father wants to get the diagnosed reason for allowing the execution to take place. There are a limited number of medical reasons that allows the doctor to sign the death warrant. The courts support the doctors in refusing to tell him what the reason is. He has no right to know! So basically they could murder anyone who lets them!

James Mcguinness
2 months ago

The doctors actually wont give a reason to murder her. Will be like that in ireland soon.

2 months ago

yeap that’s coming here soon enough just shocking and there also considering people as in teens with depression or anxiety could be allowed it if they really don’t want to carry on without the consent of parents its one thing someone wants to end things from a illness too much pain but what I’m reading and hearing online is just madness how far its going to go

James Mcguinness
1 month ago
Reply to  Lee

As long as these political parties exist, all we are going to get is bat shit crazy lee.

William Goggin
1 month ago

Dear god, We are living in a dystopian nightmare…

James Gough
1 month ago
Reply to  William Goggin

Yes we are William. Fight against it. All of the institutions of the state have turned against the people. Doctors murder patients. Children are dismembered in the womb. Schools teaching perversion. The media lies on an industrial scale. The police manhandle and bully peaceful law abiding pensioners committing no crime yet ignore the rampant violence and theft commited international protection applicants. The laws are only enforced with vigor against the native population. The health service is collapsing. The social welfare service is geared to meet the wishes of strangers who never paid one single penny towards it. Minister lie without shame. The prime minister and deputy prime minister run away when asked a question they can’t answer. Democracy is subverted by government funded NGOs being used as political cover. Passport checks are only required for the native population. The government is busy destroying tourism. Agriculture and fisheries. Dangerous male prisoners are locked up amongst poor women prisoners who have not paid the TV licence. Energy is priced out of the reach of the poor to stop them using it. What institution of the state can be said to serve the populace ?. You are in Dystopia. Fight back.

Would you support a decision by Ireland to copy the UK's "Rwanda Plan", under which asylum seekers are sent to the safe - but third world - African country instead of being allowed to remain here?

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