Credit: CC-BY-4.0: © European Union 2022– Source: EP

Poll: Next-to-No European Voters Think Politicians Doing a Good Job on Illegal Migration

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1 month ago

Dear gript.

You’ve got nearly 100,000 followers to your accounts, yet haven’t given one article this week to deal directly with the Migrant Sharing Pact
– the week the govt. have announced that they intend to sign up to it (which is set to happen soon if not stopped)

As the only Irish media company who has reported on the migration issue with any integrity or honesty, I would have thought that you would be rushing to correct RTE’s mischaracterisation of the pact (‘speeding up’….etc.), and the same elsewhere.

The Pact, as you know, commits Ireland to accepting migrants from the mediterranean, the Balkans, and any other route – which it at present has no obligation to do.
The quantity has been stated to be a percentage allocation on all member states.

The pact will increase and regularise this flow

They would be flown or otherwise transported from the ports in Sicily, Greece, Lampedusa, Malta, etc., directly to Ireland.


You have covered the ‘no identity papers’ issue mutiple times. This new development would make that utterly irrelevant – control of the right of access or limitiation will be entirely taken away from the State, and a permanent migration highway directly into the country imposed upon us.
We all know that once they’re here, the government have no intention of sending them home.

I know it’s a fine line between reporting on an issue and trying to influence issues (one which is breached by your media colleagues every day, in any case), but it’s pretty clear that the reporting of facts here is all that is needed.
No editorial colouring necessary.

Can we expect a clear article from you in the next 24 hours – one that will have ‘EU MIGRANT PACT’ in the title – spelling out what it is, what its implications are, and point out that Ireland has an Opt-Out which the govt. are refusing to avail of – contrary to the undeniable wishes (as per all polling on the matter of immigration) of the Irish people ?

Last edited 1 month ago by Buddha
James Mcguinness
1 month ago

Thats because the EU was setup to wipe white people out through the kalergi plan. It was literally it’s main function.

1 month ago

dear gript, please stop posting photos of this evil despicable excuse for a human being, let alone any kind of representative of the people of europe. the sight of her turns my stomach. if they reinstate the guillotine outside the houses of parliament in the centre of paris this gowl should be the very first rat to have her disgusting head in the bucket

1 month ago

“Ireland will be responsible for a larger portion of asylum seekers per capita than nearly all other European countries under new EU plans, the Business Post can reveal.. ”

Get the f’n word out


1 month ago

• A Priority
• Important but not a priority
• Seconrary

If they included a fourth option, i.e. for voters who didn’t think ‘irregular’ migration was an issue, the numbers with such an opinion was too small to register !

Maeve what’s-her-face shaming Ireland on euronews as usual.
Good job nobody watches…

Bill Buckley
30 days ago

Flat out objections to permissive immigration policies have been building in individual member states for at least a decade now. Local political backlashes emerged as far back as late 1980s, even before the Iron Curtain came down. But what’s happening now is of a different order.

It’s fairly safe to say that most countries in Europe now have a baseline voter cohort in the range of 25-40% which is viscerally hostile to ‘official’ narratives from both leftist radicals and business interests. One by one the ‘whack-a-mole rationales’ for ‘open borders’ (whatever that ever meant) are collapsing – labour shortages, falling birth rates, war or conflict, local discrimination, climate change, ‘diversity’, imperialism payback, and the latest humbug instant cliché ‘international protection’.

This voter baseline is neither left nor ‘right’, neither liberal nor conservative. It is a pragmatic backlash of the ideologically unaligned who have lost patience with patronising justifications for a social and cultural engineering experiment no-one really asked for.

The EP elections promise to be an eye-opener.

Last edited 30 days ago by Bill Buckley

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