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AstraZeneca admits Covid vaccine can cause rare side effect after British man takes legal action

AstraZeneca has admitted in court documents that its Covid vaccine can cause a rare side effect in an admission from the pharmaceutical giant that could lead to a multi-million pound legal payout.

The vaccine manufacturer is being taken to court in a class action relating to claims that its vaccine caused death and serious injury in dozens of cases – with a reported 51 cases lodged in the UK High Court. British families and victims are seeking damages estimated to be worth up to £100 million.

The first case against the company was lodged by Jamie Scott, a British father of two, last November. Mr Scott suffered permanent brain injury as a result of the jab in April 2021 – with a second claim being lodged by the family of Alpa Tailor, a British woman who also died after taking the vaccine in March 2021.

Father-of-two Scott was left unable to work after he suffered multiple blood clots, causing severe brain injury,  following vaccination. He became the first person to take legal action for damages against the pharmaceutical giant, with his case having the potential to set the scene for more claims and damages which could run into the thousands, if not millions.

IT specialist Mr Scott’s clinical team confirmed that the blood clots he suffered were caused by the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. His family, speaking to the British press at the time the case emerged, said they were told the vaccine had been safe, however what happened had been “life-changing.”

Lawyers are now arguing that the AstraZeneca jab resulted in a side effect with has had a devastating impact on a number of British families.

While AstraZeneca contests the claims, it accepted in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February, that its Covid vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS,” the Telegraph newspaper has now revealed. 

The legal document read: “It is admitted that the AZ vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause TTS. The causal mechanism is not known.

“Further, TTS can also occur in the absence of the AZ vaccine or any vaccine. Causation in any individual case will be a matter for expert evidence.”

TTS, which stands for Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome, causes blood clots and a low blood platelet count. The admission from the pharmaceutical company was made in a legal defence to Mr Scott’s High Court case; if the drug firm accepts that its vaccine, developed with Oxford University, was the cause of serious illness and death in specific legal cases, it could pave the way for payouts. 

Meanwhile, the UK government has pledged to underwrite AstraZeneca’s legal bills. While the government has indemnified the company against any legal action, it has so far refused to intervene.

Lawyers for those suing the company have argued that the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is “defective” and that its effect has been “vastly overstated,” claims which the vaccine manufacturer denies.

Sarah Moore, a partner at law firm Leigh Day, who is bringing the legal claims against AstraZeneca, told the Telegraph newspaper that the government and AstraZeneca were playing “strategic games,” rather than addressing the “devastating impact” of their vaccine.

“It has taken AstraZeneca a year to formally admit that their vaccine can cause the devastating blood clots, when this fact has been widely accepted by the clinical community since the end of 2021,” Ms Moore said.

“In that context, regrettably it seems that AZ, the government, and their lawyers are more keen to play strategic games and run up legal fees than to engage seriously with the devastating impact that their AZ vaccine had upon our clients’ lives.”

AstraZeneca, in a statement supplied to The Telegraph, said: “Our sympathy goes out to anyone who has lost loved ones or reported health problems. Patient safety is our highest priority, and regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards to ensure the safe use of all medicines, including vaccines.

“From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects.”

Ireland suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in March 2021 following reports of patients developing blood clots after inoculations. It joined a string of other European countries in halting the vaccine, following blood clot reports in Norway.

Health authorities in Austria were the first to sound the alarm on the potential dangers of the AstraZeneca vaccine that same month, while Italy followed closely, banning the use of vaccines from a specific batch of AstraZeneca doses following the death of a serviceman in Sicily, who had died of cardiac arrest one day after receiving his first dose of the vaccine.

Denmark however became the first European country to temporarily suspend the entire rollout of the AstraZeneca jab. As with all vaccines, those in Ireland can report suspected side effects to the Health Products Regulatory Agency (HPRA).

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James Mcguinness
18 days ago

MRNA i not a vaccine, it is gene editing. Secondly, how can you make a vaccine for a virus that was never isolated in any lab in the world. Thirdly, so much evidence has come out about the mrna that has been internationally recognized including micarditis and yet the msm dont report it and the hse still pumps it into people. It is a depopulation bioweapon and stay the hell away from them and every other so called vaccine if you have any desire to have a healthy fruitful life. Corpses are turning up all over the world with clots in them also as well as turbo cancers due to the graphene oxide content.

17 days ago

The Covid Jab was the greatest Hoax in Medical History and the greatest crime against humanity.ever.
It is not a Vaccine, It does not prevent infection or transmission of the Covid ‘virus’.
It is a form of Gene therapy,interfering with the body’s core DNA
;It damages the immune system.leading to multiple recurring infections and little resistance to illness.
The US,Centre for Disease Control (CDC) revealed after an FOI application ,that the Pfizer mRNA Injection had 770 possible adverse reactions caused by Spike protein reactions
The Injection is a de-population weapon, causing infertility,sterility ,pro-creation problems and premature births, Heart failures, turbo cancers etc.

James Mcguinness
17 days ago
Reply to  Daniel BUCKLEY

Correct and all these viruses or so called viruses are man made. Even if you hear the words flu virus, it’s a hoax because there is no such thing because the flu is the description of the symptoms you get from an Infection. Tbh, I don’t think we have been told the truth about anything Daniel. For instance, dementia and Alzheimer’s sudden surge over the decades turns out to be the accumulation of metals on the brain such as aluminium and those who accept the truth know that stuff is raining down on is and in the water. Cancers are another one, skin cancer was virtually non existent 60 years ago and it’s my firm belief that the source is in processed food.

Claire Grant
17 days ago

Ireland suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in March 2021 following reports of patients developing blood clots after inoculations. It joined a string of other European countries in halting the vaccine, following blood clot reports in Norway.
Unfortunately for many this isn’t quite true – the powers that be here in Ireland, despite the known blood clot issues, pronounced the AstraZeneca vaccine to be perfectly safe for the 60-69 age group and rolled out two doses in the months following March 2021. A very quick google search at that time led me to discover that there had actually been a number of such cases in Europe among that age group. I therefore lost all faith in NPHET, NIAC, Government sources etc. in regard to Covid and its vaccines from that point on.

17 days ago
Reply to  Claire Grant

It seems a Finnish man is suing his Govt over that country’s equivalent of our “Digital Pass” – he was denied access to a pub or restaurant as he wasn’t “vaxxed”. It appears he has evidence of a senior WHO official to the effect that she knew the “vaccine” didn’t stop transmission and that “she never advised any Govt. that ‘stopping transmission’ could be a basis for introducing a digital pass”. The latter accords with evidence of a senior Pfizer official to a committee of the EU Parliament that her company never tested its product to determine could it stop transmission. I only took the damn thing when the digital pass requirement was introduced – I’ll never forgive our Govt., RTE and the rest of the MSM shower….

17 days ago

How many people do we all know who suddenly died since this roll out.!!
There is no such word as “rare” in the medical profession the real wording is “tip of the iceberg” this is massive as we all know of cases where people suddenly died,and Peter McCullough the world’s peer reviewed cardiologist and epidemiologist has written paper claiming that trombosis pericarditis myocarditis are causing deaths within people. Don’t be fooled by the word rare it’s far from that. These injections are genociding people in huge numbers, estimates are coming to between 10 to 20 million deaths from these jabs. Crimes against humanity and a case for the HAGUE.. THIS WILL BE BIGGER THAN THE HOLOCAUST.

17 days ago

I have – “three-quarters” read – the book “Vaxxers” – by Sarah Gilbert and Catherine Green – about the development of the AstraZeneca “vaccine”. I left it down not long after there started appearing more and more evidence of that “vaccine”‘s side effects. I’ll resume reading it at some stage – after all, the Financial Times’ blurb at the back of the book says: “Vaxxers is so good that the book will be read for long after the pandemic is over”. For anyone who is not yet aware, the AstraZeneca concoction disappeared off the shelves of the vaccinators in Western Europe sometime in early to mid 2022. In the UK – the territory that prided itself on being the first to “roll-out” the AstraZeneca concoction – the official reason given for ceasing to jab people with it was that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s were more effective. The main reason why I mention “Vaxxers” is that much of it – even 2 years ago – smacks – or smacked – of hubris. Of course, there’ also a story to be told about Pfizer’s and Moderna’s concoctions ………..

17 days ago

None of these “novel” treatments were ever tested in any meaningful long term sense prior to being forced on the population at large.
None of the efficacy claims made have been substantiated over the last few years.
And the ironic fact.
The astra zenaca and the jand j were the closest to traditional concept vaccines.
Bottom line.
Drugs have to be rigorously tested prior to introduction.
Regardless of panic.

17 days ago
Reply to  Jpc

The truth of the matter is that ALL vaccines are poison. Truther journeys like in Gript are not covering the real pandemic, which is the demise of our children’s health for decades due to the childhood vaccines. If they honestly cared about revealing the truth about vaccines we would be reading article after article on the illnesses and deaths caused by the multiple harmful vaccines administered to mothers and babies during pregnancy and after, up until their teenage years. Why do you think there are so many sick children? I rarely meet a normal child anymore, without allergies, bad eyesight, constant ear infections, eczema, neurological disorders, digestive issues, grommets in ears, allergies to dairy etc, physical issues, rage and the rise in childhood cancers is noteworthy. My own ten year old child is completely unvaccinated and non-medicated, and is completely normal. But apparently I am a dangerous ‘anti-vaxxer’ and to be feared.

17 days ago
Reply to  Kate

Gript are controlled opposition like the rest of them (to see who are part of the beast system look at their strange logos of their companies and organisations depicting a 6 on its side part of the 666 is their luciferian call sign)and they are told what to say,like our politicians to keep us thinking that something is happening…distractions ..while the real work is going on behind the scenes. The way the system works is you have good cop bad cop scenario where one side riles up the populace and the other side cools them down giving them crumbs of the truth but not all the truth, keeping one distracted and weary. Thats why theres a two party political system in every country LOL🤔 there are two sides of the same coin,we have the great reset and we have it’s controlled opp the great awakening but same coin and look at all the celebs getting religion lately ,majority were new agers and now they are shouting for Jesus as if wow there all so holy and getting their followers and even true believers to believe it ..the problem is the jesus that they are pushing is the antichrist , all a pust to the false prophet pope one world religion…Jesus said there is only ONE way to heaven and that is through Him only ..not saints or Mary(who is really Isis they are worshipping) we are very close to the sacrificing of the red heifer,which has to be this year by their calculations and when that happens ..all hell is gonna break loose.we are living in the end times all prophesied in Bible and it’s going according to God’s plan,as he is ultimately in charge not these minions doing the dirty work. There was one sacrifice for all and that was Jesus seat on the cross,all other sacrifices are an abomination to Him. We are in the New covenant now the age of Grace,the old mosaic covenant is gone. Look to the lord Jesus Christ only for your salvation ..not man

17 days ago

They have to be forced to admit every single thing or side-effect by legal action… How can they be trusted at all? I will never use an Astra Zeneca medicine again… of any sort… I’m not stupid… at least not anymore!!

17 days ago
Reply to  Pat.Carr

Pat, you should understand that we genuinely do not need pharmaceuticals for ordinary upkeep. Go to a naturopath, a herbalist, a bioenergy healer, an acupuncturist, a homeopath, a craniosacral therapist and so many other practitioners with vast knowledge of real healing, not just giving you a pill or injection which adds to your toxicity.

17 days ago
Reply to  Kate

Im in my 70s in perfect health ,no medication of any sort and in perfect health praise the Lord as he is my Physician. I don’t have a doctor or visit their slaughterhouse hospitals I would be fearful as a young person going to hospital now as they want your organs ,you are more valuable to them dead than alive and you are automatically an organ donor unless you opt out,and the brain-dead scenario is a load of codswallop ,they give you a paralysis drug to shut down your physicals but you can feel them cutting your organs out and your still alive,do your homework some good doctors have come out and exposed this lie. Sadly many doctors and nurses showed their true colours in last couple of years)selling their legal drugs all chemicals made in a lab and yet you can be arrested for growing your own God given healing plants in your back yard 🤔have people woke up yet? There are cures for cancer and many other diseases out their but all supressed. I agree with Kate in that every disease goes right back to childhood vaccines pushed on us in the 1800s by crooked governments paid and bought for by big pharma. Those drug pushers are now in Hell and realise the got caught up in Satan’s big lie,as God says in in his word the bible,Hell opens her mouth to swallow them up for eternity and it’s a bottomless pit so will never be full. Our lives on this earth is but a wisp of air and we were put here to worship God,but sadly many worship satan,knowingly or unknowingly but that’s no excuse with God …He has given us two choices ,believe in his son the Lord Jesus Christ only for your salvation or go to the default setting of Hell which He made for the devil and His fallen angels and of which He has warned us of in the Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ died on a cross for me and for the whole world to accept him…Budda,Confucius, mohammed or even the pope or any other betrayer to the throne didn’t die for me on a cross ,they are all Satan’s boys who has been allowed to rule a short time on the earth to separate the true believers from the counterfeit which are spring up in the last days before the Lord Jesus Christ return as He has warned us about throughout His bible (the King James 1611 Bible only all the man made counterfeits written by Jesuits are satanic copies). People need to wake up before it’s too late…there is a storm coming (as all the predictive globalist films are telling you for last couple of years,they are telling you what the are doing you need to be awake up. All who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved.

David Sheridan
17 days ago

The murder jab…….assisted suicide??

Mary Reynolds
13 days ago

The Astra Zeneca was rolled out for the 60-69 age group here in Ireland. All others got Pfizer and Moderna. My view is that the govt got in a supply of Astra Zeneca because it was cheaper, before its side effects became known and had to get rid of it some way. The over 70s were too fragile for it due to the enhanced risk of side effects, so they forced it on the 60s group, as they’d be stronger. They couldn’t keep it too long on their hands either, because it would expire and the 60s group were next in line after the 70s got vaxed. The govt knew well they were in trouble with the cursed thing, so they went on a massive advertising campaign on their mouthpiece that is RTÉ. They were blasting out that the vaccine you are given is the best one for you, ad nauseum. Such a dirty lie. Who the blazes did research that found the Astra Zeneca was best for those aged 60 to 69 but ruled out those aged 59 or 70 or 20 or 49? This precision from our health authorities who are dire, was a red flag in itself. I didn’t believe that lying talk anyway. I was in the 60s age bracket which meant I was doomed for the Astra Zeneca. All the people I knew were accepting it without question, like sitting ducks, their arms at the ready. I dug my heels in and insisted I wanted Pfizer or Moderna. I emailed everyone and anyone connected with health and outside it. All replies came back negative. The doctrine was that Astra Zeneca was best for me. It came to the stage where they had started to give the other vaccines to people younger but I was still doomed for Astra Zeneca. They were unrelenting in their pursuit of forcing the Astra Zeneca on me. I marched off to a large vaccination centre, I think it was Ballsbridge or over there somewhere. I decided I’d create a scene if they refused because I had enough, but I didn’t have to. First of all I was met by a lovely lady who was really sympathetic to my case and she walked me straight into a cubicle for Pfizer, bypassing the crowd. I met a lovely guy who gave the injection and I saw loads of people sitting in an area, where they had to wait 15 mins for observation, post vax. I asked my man if it was compulsory to wait there and he said no, it’s not, you can leave. I asked if someone could stop me and tell me go back, he said no, nobody can stop you leaving here. Go straight out. And I walked straight out again, over the heads of all the others there for their 15 mins post vax slot, the fools. It was a big success on the day, nothing I had ever remotely imagined but I went through hell beforehand and was getting nowhere. I would recommend for anyone in any situation, to reject what you don’t want and present yourself, even if you’re crossing boundaries. It may work. Well worth a try anyway. They acted like crooks with that Astra Zenica vaccine. Their RTÉ ads were pure lies. Don’t trust this gov. The word best, could never be associated with the dirt, that is the Astra Zeneca vaccine. The unfortunate 60s age group had it dumped into them in Ireland, with no choice given. Either Astra Zeneca or no vaccine but Pfizer or Moderna for everyone else. They should have dumped it when they found its side effects were too great. Instead they dumped it into my age group. Bad luck to those who were behind that Astra Zeneca con job for the 60s age group of Ireland. Do not vote for these parties ever again. Lying dirt.

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